Chapter 1

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"Run Mia, don't wait for me!"

The twelve-year-old girl in front of me pleaded me to leave her behind. Her wide green eyes stood out from her dirt streaked face, and her pale blonde hair stuck to her back in sweat as she stood under a street light on the deserted road. 

"No, Lucy I can't. I can carry you." Tears threatened to spill over my eyes, but I put Lucy on my back piggy-back style and started to run. Because of her most likely broken ankle, Lucy couldn't put wait on it, let alone run. 

The full moon guided us into what looked like an empty looking arena, and we both knew we had to take shelter here for the night. I had a pain stabbing me in the side, my mouth was dry as a desert, and I was wheezing from all of the running. Damn asthma.

Suddenly four shadows appeared out of nowhere. They looked friendly, from their outlines I could definitely tell they weren't our captures. Anyone besides them would help us, right?

My bare feet pounded against the pavement scattered with pebbles, but my feet were long numb by then. I was about ten feet from the strangers, Lucy asleep on my back, when I fell to the ground, falling unconscious.

The beeping of the machine next to me that woke me up immediately told me that I was in the hospital. I snapped my eyes open, looking across the bed I was laying in at the four strangers sitting in front of me. 

"You're awake!"

"Where's Lucy?!" My voice came out scratchy the same time the one with curly brown hair spoke.

"Is Lucy the girl you were with?" The one with blonde shaggy hair asked, and I nodded my head nervously. Were they going to hurt me, or Lucy?

"She was placed in the room next to you, she should be coming out of surgery soon. I'm sure you can go and see her after she is out. What's your name darling? They have no records for either you or Lucy." This time the one with black hair spoke, the one with colored red hair staying silent so far. 

"Surgery! What happened, is she alright?" I started to panic, completely ignoring his question. 

"On her ankle, it was broken badly. She will be fine, but what is your name?" Curly head spoke again, softly as if worrying his words would break me. 

"Seventeen," I muttered automatically, looking down at my hands. 

"Seventeen? That surely isn't a name." The one with red hair spoke for the first time. I first noticed they had Australian accents. Did they actually move us all the way to Australia? The last time I actually knew where we were was San Diego. 

"Seventeen was my number. B-but the other girls called me Mia."

"Other girls?" Red hair questioned, his voice rising slightly as he sent a look to the other boys. 

"I-I was sex trafficked," That was when I broke down in tears.

I wrapped my arms around Lucy tightly. We were in Ashton's car, apparently going to their home. It turns out we were in Los Angeles. The doctor's seemed to trust them to take us home, so I had to as well to stay strong for Lucy. 

Lucy's surgery went well, and she was now on crutches. It had been two weeks of staying in that damn hospital, mostly waiting for Lucy to be able to leave until we could go. Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke had visited every day. I had learned to trust them more than most people, but Lucy was still slightly wary. The boys had been kind enough to actually adopt us. Being only 15 and Lucy 12, we would have been sent to an orphanage, with the risk of being pulled back into another sex traffic, or even the same one. The paperwork had not been yet completed, but they were working on it. 

Pain// Adopted by 5sos (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now