Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with surprising vigor. After my normal morning routine I decide to put on a couple layers of mascara in the bathroom mirror, not bothering with anything else. With a pep in my step I skip over to my dresser, pulling out my favorite bikini, a bright neon yellow one with white bottoms along with a basic coverup. I basically float all the way downstairs to the kitchen, beyond excited that I seemed to have already made two new friends within a matter of days, One point to Bonnie/Zero to life.

Its sooo quiet, where are Aceso and Lenus? Just as the thought popped into my brain it was answered when I saw a note on the fridge reading: Hey Sweetie, both Lenus and I are off to work at the hospital here are our numbers: Lenus- 049-678-3367 and mine(Aceso)-049-678-4212

We will be home around seven tonight, have a good time with Amery and Lorelei :) Smiling at the note I quickly put both of their phone numbers into my phone before continuing my search through the kitchen. Taking a look through the cupboards and the pantry I decide to whip up some homemade chocolate chip cookies. That's the thing about me, I love baking and cooking when I was back home I cooked for me and my mom every single day.Thinking about my mom reminded me that I never told her that I already made friends! Sending her a quick text about what I've accomplished so far, I got back to my cookies as soon as possible.Pulling them out of the oven about 20 mins later I looked at the clock realizing Amery and Lorelei will be here soon. Plating the cookies and getting out some milk I wait anxiously for the girls to arrive. I hope they will like me I thought just as the doorbell rung. Jumping up from my spot I run to the door smoothing down my cover up before opening the door with a bright smile on my face.

"Hey Guys! Welcome to my humble abode!" I say in a cheerful voice.

Noticing Lorelei had her hand behind her back I arch a brow and ask in a questioning voice:

"What do you have Lorelei??"

With a shit eating grin Lorelei pulls out two six packs of hard lemonade.

Amery and Lorelei push past me into the house saying:

"We definitely brought the party! Where is this Jacuzzi?"

Giggling at their antics I shut the door and lead them through the Living room to the patio that housed the Jacuzzi.Pulling off my cover up I grab a six pack from Lorelei's hands putting it on the edge of the jacuzzi, grabbing three out and turning around to them with grin on my face I say " Let's have some fun." Both girls grab their lemonades and nod.

/////////////////////////////////////////////One Hour Later//////////////////////////////////////////////////

With music blasting from Amery's stereo all of us were having a grand ole time. Although, the 4 drinks I personally had consumed probably helped. Turning the stereo down a tidbit I turned to the two other girls, their eyes as glazed as my own asking: "So who is the hottest piece of ass around here?" I ended the question with a giggle looking expectantly at the other two girls. Amery started to giggle along with me answering in a slightly slurred voice

"Well, If you ask Lorelei over there" Gesturing to the girl in question " She would say my brother, which would make me vomit, but I think his best friend Koen is a 'nice piece of ass' " She says using her fingers to quote, continuing "But never tell him I said that or I'll kill you"

Not taking her threat seriously I snicker along with Lorelei.Turning to Lorelei I give her an expectant look waiting for her to answer.

Sighing heavily Lorelei responds "Well, I obviously think Alaric is the hottest" Giving Amery a glare to stop her from making puking sounds. "But I'm nervous he doesn't feel the same way" Her face pulling into a frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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