Chapter 2

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Waking up the next morning somehow seemed exciting, as I knew that being in Germany every day would bring something different and unique, stretching my boundaries. Pushing back my covers I stretch my arms and yawn, prepping myself for the day head. Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table made me astonished, I had actually woken up early! The bright green numbers 7:00 am glaring back at me. Getting out of bed I skipped to the bathroom to put on my makeup.

I would say I love makeup. Having numerous palettes, brushes, bronzers, highlighters, meant I was normally the friend giving the makeovers when they needed a revenge look to get their ex jealous. It was routine for me to get up 20-30 mins early to do my makeup. After feeling like the look was finished, sharp eyeliner and all, I went to one of my many boxes I had yet to unpack ruffling through everything until I had a casual outfit in my hands.

Not hearing anyone downstairs I decided to take this peaceful moment to go outside and inspect my new expansive environment outside. Tiptoeing through the living room I walked to the french doors, tugging one open as quietly as I could. Seeing a flourishing garden in the middle of the massive yard I walk towards it, excited to take a couple pictures of the flowers. Seeing a beautiful gold flower with 6 petals I ready my camera. Snapping a couple while zooming in on the center of the flower. So enraptured by the beauty I missed the footsteps coming at me. Someone putting a hand on my shoulder, pardon my french, scared the SHIT out of me! Yelping slightly I turned around to see a middle aged man, about 40 with dirty jeans on and a shirt that said ' Bretton's Gartenarbeit ' translating to Bretton's Gardening.

Giving him a small smile I said " I am sorry I didn't hear you, I was focused on these beautiful flowers, you are doing an amazing job!"

Glaring at me he responded with a thick german accent " You need to leave this residency at once"

Taken aback "I'm sorry, have I done something wrong?"

With a look of sympathy he replied " No miss, but everyone on this street is corrupt you must leave as soon as possible, you seem like a nice girl, but so does everyone that moves here at first."

To stunned to leave I just watch as Bretton walks around the side of the house to the front.

What did he mean? Lenus and Aceso are incredibly nice..

With that thought I run back to the patio doors trying to regain some sense of security after that chilling talk. Smelling a coffee aroma coming from the kitchen, I almost sigh in relief, I need a pick-me-up after that.

Walking to the kitchen I am relieved by the sight of both Lenus and Aceso sitting at the island with eggs, bacon and coffee near them. Both turn to look at me.

Aceso taking in my frightened appearance asks "What's wrong Bonnie? DId you have a fright?"

Nodding I retort " Bretton, I think his name is? He told me some unusual things..."

Looking at them beneath my lashes I catch them looking at eachother for a quick moment, before bringing my eyes up to Acesos again.

Hers had laughter in them "Oh sweetie, no need to worry, I should have told you. The villagers might tell you odd things, everyone in Wittlich was brought up on the legends that those who live in the woods are creatures of the moon, I guess some take it more seriously than others."

I chuckle in response " I guess that makes me feel a little better," Smiling "You will have to tell me some of those legends sometime so I can make up my own mind."

Lenus and Aceso both smirk at me while nodding encouragingly. Walking over to them Lenus hands me a plate full of food. Sitting next to him at the bar I try to not show how ravenous I am after the eventful morning, scarfing my food down. Looking up to see both of my host parents staring at my I swallow my food and give them a smile before taking a gulp of the coffee given.

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