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Fingers crossed. My heart is breaking for them. They'll get their chance, I know it. I hold my phone out to snap a few pictures of George and me to show Ed.

I see. It's Dee btw. I forgot to say. =P

I find a particular picture so adorably cute that I have to set it as my screensaver. All this time? ='D

No, ever since the talk of operations. Edward is in an important meeting, and I wanted to speak to my baby girl! <3

I kiss the top of George's head as he lays on my chest. I wish you were here. We'd have so much fun.

If I weren't so big, I would be on the first plane there. Ready to pop and I have ten weeks to go. I swear this baby is going to be the size of a watermelon when he comes out.

Your poor vagina!

Betty! Oh gosh. I'm choking on my chocolate cookie here. Edward is shouting from his office asking if I'm okay. =P

Sorry...I thought you were eating a blueberry muffin?

I cackle so loud at her response George jumps a bit. I'm on my second pack since yesterday. I think Edward is into some weird fetish he is yet to tell me about. The guy won't stop feeding me.

You crack me up!

I miss you. Please come home soon? She sends right back.

Soon. I have another month of commitments here, and then I'm travelling around Europe, so it'll be easier to visit home.

You'll be here for the birth, right? I have a home birth booked, and I want you there. Ed is trying to convince me to go to the hospital, but the midwife says that they advise home births now anyway.

How does that work then? Will she give birth on the bed? Or maybe the bath? I'd be too nervous not to go to the hospital. It's a big deal. Especially with this being her first pregnancy.

Don't hate me. I agree with Ed. Is it safe?

I knew you would say that. It's one hundred percent safe. I did my research. There will be an ambulance on standby should anything go wrong. Stop worrying.

George gets fussy when Laine comes back in the room, so I let him slide down my legs until his tiny feet hit the ground, his legs pumping when he sticks his arms out to the side and toddles after his mum around the kitchen.

As long as you promise?

Pinky swear. So, will you be my second birthing partner?

I don't know what to say. It's a great honour, and I'm totally flattered by the gesture, but won't it be a little weird? Especially with Ed in the room. I always thought births were personal to the parents only.

What does Ed think? Won't I be overstepping the mark?

Ed doesn't care as long as I'm happy and comfortable. Please say yes. I'll need your support when I want to punch your brother in the face for getting me pregnant in the first place. Don't tell him this...but I'm looking forward to that the most.

Er...DeDe, this is Edward's phone. He'll see what we are writing.


I shake my head. Just delete the message. ;)

Already ahead of you. Hey, did you know our baby is the size of a small cabbage?

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora