You Get A Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

But it seemed as though he didn't try hard enough because you had to practically drag him inside your house.

If only you could've waited a little longer till opening the door.

There your brother stood eating your previous boyfriend's kidneys. And, it seemed as though he didn't notice you had brought someone along based on his next sentence.

"Did you already eat the h—" You looked at your brother with a shake of your head as he then eyed Josh.

"Y/n, who's this?"

You laughed nervously, looking up at your boyfriend who stood traumatized by the sight of your brother.

"Jack, this is Josh, my boyfriend."

Eyeless Jack bursted our laughing at the word boyfriend, "So what you're saying is that we have dinner for tomorrow?"

"W-what do you mean? This relationship is gonna work! Right... Josh?" You looked good your side to notice that Josh was gone and your front door was open.

While you were distracted by your brother, Josh had managed to run out.

Laughing Jack

You were excited to introduce LJ to your boyfriend, Alex. And luckily for you, Alex was just as excited.

Overtime of dating your boyfriend, you realized that he and your brother had a lot in common. So your expectations for this meeting was already pretty high.

And they didn't disappoint?

You had been waiting at your house with Alex, siting at the dining table which had a beautiful dinner displayed.

That's when LJ walked in, and instead of getting angry at the fact that you brought a random boy into your house, he was actually quite calm about the situation. Especially when he saw your happy smile you got when looking at Alex.

So, what better way to show your approval then by greeting yourself.

"Hello, I am LJ, Y/n's brother." LJ smiles with his mouth closed, offering his hand to Alex which was gladly taken.

"Hello, I am Alex, her boyfriend."

You were beyond happy to see the exchange between the two males, happy the your brother didn't go crazy and kill Alex on the spot.

But what you didn't expect was to feel like a third wheel at your own dinner.

Maybe LJ and Alex had too much in common.
Since it seems after the dinner, Alex only calls you to ask about Laughing Jack.

Ben Drowned

You were never really one to be interested in boys, especially at your current age.

But seeing everyone else together made you feel bitter, so you decided to date a kid named, Dylan.

Which didn't turn out as bad as you expected, Dylan was almost immediately kind and protective of you.

So, after a few months of dating you decided to invite him to your house, where Ben was currently "cooking".

Unbeknownst was that he put a little extra ingredient in Dylan's serving.

Now, you all sat at the round dinner table, where you and Ben began to eat. But, Dylan didn't even touch his plate.

"Why aren't you eating?" You asked the boy, only to see him smile up at your brother.

"By any chance, did you put something in my serving?"

"Wha— how did you know?" Ben asked, staring at Dylan with a shocked expression. Until he got hit in the head, by you.

"Ben, you idiot!"

To say the least, Ben was greatly amused by Dylan.


Somehow you managed to catch the attention of one of the "popular" guys at school, Justin.
[i'm not surprised, you're beautiful]

And sooner or later you guys began to date, which quickly became word of the school.

Girls began to stare at you enviously while boys began to stare at you with want.

However, it did take you awhile until you were comfortable enough to invite Justin to your house.

Now that you think back at it, you regret your decision.

You were currently sitting on the sofa opposite of your brother, awkward tension surrounding the three of you.

"Why aren't you guys talking?" You asked, feeling worried about the whole situation.

Especially when you caught sight of the two males glaring at each other.

"You're dating him? The leader of the group of guys that jumped me?"

"Your brother is the bastard the pulled a knife out on me?"

Once you heard their questions you were shocked. You had no idea that your boyfriend and brother had met.

And what made it worse was that it wasn't a pleasant meeting.

"Yes!" You answered, not wanting to leave them hanging, but it seems as though your answer only made the atmosphere worse.

'Oh this is gonna be an awkward night.' You smiled nervously.

Slender Brothers

You had met your boyfriend, Lucas, in the forest where you always were.

He was one of the many that got abandoned by their parents, but his parents were blunt and told him exactly what they were doing.

"Don't ever come near us again or we'll kill you ourselves." Your remember as they sneered at your current boyfriend.

Your brothers immediately became suspicious of him, not wanting you to be anywhere near him, but that obviously failed.

However, that wasn't the only issue at first, Lucas didn't want to be anywhere near you.

"Please... don't come any closer. I don't want to hurt you."

Of course, overtime you realized why he said what he did at the time. But your brothers don't know yet, so they are always there whenever you go on a date with Lucas.

And you knew, they wouldn't began to trust him anytime soon.


You had begun to date your former best friend, Lunar's, older brother. And his name was Light.

When you told your brother the news, he almost immediately objected to the idea.
Saying that he should be the only boy you need.

Which only resulted in you laughing at his "joke". Unaware of how serious your brother actually was.

So, you took it upon yourself to invite Light over for a nice dinner where he could get comfortable with your brother.

And may I remind you, you never gave a heads up to your brother. So he was surprised to see Light at the front door.

He never trusted any boy with you, not even his best of friends. He never wanted to see you get hurt over some worthless male, so why not just keep you away from all of them?

Unfortunately his plan failed, all thanks to Light Yagami.

But to his and your surprise, that evening actually went well.


Hope you enjoyed!

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