Chapter 13: A Very Special Date

Start from the beginning

“Do you want some?” James offered.

“No thanks, love, you enjoy yourself. I'm gonna hit the bathroom right quick.” Aaron said.


Aaron got up and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before heading for the bathroom.


Aaron looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed, pulling out the black, velvet box that held the reason for this date. He wanted to propose tonight to the person he loved the most.

“Come on, Aaron, you can do this,” Aaron pep talked himself. “It's easy. Just go out there, get down on one knee, and ask him to marry you. Nothing to worry about. He’ll say yes, he loves you...right?”

“Of course he does,” a familiar voice said and someone came out of the stall.

Aaron looked in the mirror to see it was John Laurens.

“Laurens, what are you doing here?” Aaron asked.

“...I’m on a date,” Laurens blushed and looked away.


“With a girl...her name’s Peggy.”

“I thought you were strictly” Aaron raised an eyebrow.

“A lot of people assume that, but I’m bi. Anyway, you can do this,” John placed a hand on Aaron’s shoulder.

“, I can’t. What if he says no?”

“He won’t. He loves you, Aaron, I know it. I see it every time he looks at you.”

Aaron looked back at the black box in his hands. “You do?”

“Mmhm! Just go out there and propose. He loves you, he’ll say yes.”

Aaron took a deep breath and placed the box back into his jacket pocket. “Okay...I can do this...I can do this.”

The boy walked out of the bathroom, giving Laurens a thank you before the door closed. Upon his arrival, James looked up and smiled at his boyfriend.

“Hey,” he giggled.

“Hey,” Aaron smiled at his adorable boyfriend. Here goes nothing. “Um, James? Can I...I need to tell you something?”

James looked at Aaron concerned. “What is it, hun?”

The worried look in James’ eyes almost made him feel guilty. “Um, it’s nothing bad, I swear, uh...sorry, I mean, um...s**t, I-”

“Aaron, calm down. Deep breaths.”

Aaron did as he was instructed and calmed down a bit.

“Look, James, you are the love of my life. You mean the world to me. These last months we spent together were the best months of my life. We’ve been dating for a year and nine months, and spending them with you is the best decision of my life. I love you, James, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so…” Aaron dropped down to one knee and pulled out the ring box, opening it to reveal a beautiful ring. “James Madison Jr., will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

James gasped and covered his mouth as he began to cry. Aaron smiled at his love as he furiously nodded his head and pulled Aaron close to him. He kissed him passionately.

“Of course I’ll marry you!” James cried and Aaron beamed as he placed the ring on his finger. “Oh my God...oh my God!”

“What? What is it?” Aaron asked.

“This...this is the exact same ring I saved my money for so I could propose to you,” James answered and laughed.

“Are you serious?!” Aaron chuckled as well.

“Yeah, and I was really bummed out because I couldn’t get it for you,” James commented.

“So, you spent all that time working to save up for this ring? For me? are the best. I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” James hugged Aaron tightly.


(1045 words)

Well, now you know what happened to the ring, lol. Aww, what a beautiful night for these two. I just wanted a fluffy night. Oh, and, uh...sorry about making Laurens bi. I know a lot of you like Laurens strictly being gay, but I have plans for this story, and for those plans to happen, I need Laurens to be bi, so...don't hate me, pls! Anyway, that's all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, you know what to do! I'll see you guys on Wednesday ! Au revoir, mes amis!!

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