Chapter 11: Monticello

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“We go to Monticello,” Thomas said to Alex.

“What’s Monticello and why would you wanna go there?” Alex asked.

“Monticello is my mansion back home in Virginia. No one’s there except my butler and she knows to give us space,” the taller man explained. “We can spend a week there, see if we rekindle sparks.”

“And if we don’t rekindle our sparks?” Alex sniffled.

“Then our relationship just isn’t meant to be.”

“Can we agree to just be friends if we don’t find our spark?”

“Of course.”

“Well, wait a second. This is, like, the second, third week of classes. Besides, who’s gonna pay for the plane?”

“Relax. I’ll have Lafayette and/or Jemmy collect our work, as for’s almost a six hour drive,” Thomas said.

“You really expect me to ride with you for six hours?!” Alex yelled, then lowered his voice. “Sorry, I’s just so long.”

“Maybe that’s why they call it the South since it’s so far down,” Thomas rolled his eyes. “I dunno, it was just an idea. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I just...I want this relationship to work again, you know?”

“I want it to work too, so I guess we’re taking a road trip. What time are you gonna pick me up?”

“I say we leave early so we can get there early, so how’s Saturday at four in the morning?”

“Or we can leave Friday night and rest up when we get to Monticello,” Alex suggested.

“I guess that could work too, but there’s so much I wanna show you. And it’s not like you’re really sleeping or anything.”

Alex laughed, “you sure seem excited about this trip.”

“I am. I haven't gone to Monticello in ages,” Thomas smiled. “I haven't been in Virginia in ages. I think the last time I was home was...two summers ago.”

“You'd think for someone who loves their home so much would visit it more often.”

“School kinda took over, plus I travel the world on summer vacations.”

“Hey, do you have any more classes today?” Alex randomly asked.

“No, why?” Thomas looked at him confused.

“Wanna help me pack?”

“It's Wednesday.”

“I know, but if I wait to pack, it won't get done.”

“Fine, but only if you help me pack too?” Thomas shrugged.

“Sure! Come on, let's start now-”

“Before we start, I'm getting lunch cuz I'm hungry. You're welcome to join, if you'd like,” Thomas offered.

“As friends?” Alex asked.

“As friends,” Thomas smiled and led Alex to the campus cafe.


“Hey, Thomas?” Alex called as he looked around frantically.

“What's wrong?” Thomas asked as he packed the last of his bags.

“I can't find my wallet!”

“Nice try, but I'm not falling for that one again,” Thomas commented.

“No, I'm serious this time. I can't find it. I've looked in the nightstand drawer, under my pillow, in my back pocket, but I can't find it,” Alex worried.

Thomas sighed, “Where was the last place you used it?”

“I dunno...the flower shop...I must've left it there!”

Again, Thomas sighed, “How do you leave your wallet at the flower shop? Ugh, come on, let's go get it.”

Alex followed Thomas out the door without a word.


“Thank you so much, Theodosia!” Alex smiled as she handed him his wallet.

“It’s no problem at all,” she beamed. “So, this is Thomas, hmm?”

“You told her about me?” Thomas asked.

“She asked, I answered,” Alex shrugged.

“This is a nice one you've chosen, Alex,” Theo smiled. “Tall, handsome, wow...this guy seems kinda out of your league.”

“I'll admit that's true,” Alex laughed.

“So, did you fix your relationship?”

“We’re still working on that,” Thomas replied. “That bouquet was beautiful, though.”

“Thank you! I tried to make it look perfect,” Theodosia giggled.

Anyway, we’ve got more packing to do, so we should probably get going,” Alex hinted.

“Oh, yeah. Of course,” Thomas remembered.

“Where are you two off to?” Theo asked curiously.

“Thomas’ mansion in Virginia,” Alex answered.

“It’s called Monticello and I’d appreciate it if you’d call it that,” Thomas retorted.

“Defensive much?”

“I basically made Monticello, and I’m proud of it.”

“ built Monticello!?” Alex gasped.

“Well...not exactly built it, I made the blueprints for it and supervised the builders,” Thomas smirked smugly.

“That’s honestly really cool,” Alex smiled.

“I know, thanks.”

“Well, have fun on your trip,” Theodosia waved as the two of them left the shop.

“Thank you!” Alex called back, then turned to Thomas, “and thank you for bringing me back to get my wallet.”

“No problem, next time, though, make sure you have your wallet before you leave the store,” Thomas laughed.



(789 words)

I know it's short, but hey. I'm exhausted and hungry and I gotta study for my final. I hope you all enjoyed this, you know what to do if you did and I will see you all on Friday! Love you guys! Bye!

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