Chapter 13: A Very Special Date

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(Just realized I forgot to post a picture of the ring...whoops)


“Why do you seem so fidgety tonight?” James asked Aaron.

They were having dinner at a very fancy restaurant. They had just placed their orders for the night and ever since the waitress left, Aaron wouldn't stop fidgeting.

“Sorry...didn't even know I was,” Aaron blushed.

“Do you need one of those fidget spinners everyone's so obsessed with?”

“God, no. I'm not following that trend,” Aaron shook his head in horror.

James laughed. “Why not?”

“Please, you don't wanna get me started,” Aaron said before sipping some of his water.

The two of them remained quiet for a minute. James couldn't help but think that if he had the ring, he could propose to Aaron tonight. It was a beautiful, starry night with the full moon supplying luminous moonlight. They were sitting outside and the weather was nice. The sounds of people chatting around them and cars zooming by providing a nice soundtrack-James loved the city.

“James?” Aaron called his name.

“Hmm?” he hummed looking into Aaron’s eyes.

“You okay? You kinda spaced out on me there.”

James blinked twice before nodding his head. “Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry.”

“It’s no big deal, love.”

Soon enough, the food arrived. Aaron ordered a simple salad and James ordered a fancy soup. After thanking the waitress, they ate their food and made some more small talk.

“Do you think Thomas’ plan will work?” James asked curiously.

“I hope so. I'm tired of all this drama,” Aaron said.

“Yeah, me too,” James agreed. “I want them to be together. They make each other happy.”

“Mhm.” Aaron nodded.

They were quiet for a moment, just enjoying their food and each other’s company. James wondered why Aaron was so quiet. He was usually the one to start conversations, but he wasn't. Something had to be wrong.

“Are you sure you're alright, babe? You're awfully quiet tonight,” James voiced concerned.

“Yeah, I'm okay. I promise,” Aaron gave James a smile.

James nodded, but didn't seem convinced.

“I'm fine.”


Aaron looked at James, and James looked at Aaron.

“What?” James asked.

“Nothing...just wanted to look at your beauty,” Aaron smiled, knowing that he got James flustered.

“Trust me, you're the beautiful one,” James blushed.

Aaron giggled and finished his salad. Shortly after, James finished his soup.

“Dessert?” Aaron offered.

“Mmm…” James hummed, thinking about what he wanted. “That chocolate cake looks really good.”

“Then, I'll get you a slice of chocolate cake,” Aaron smiled and called over their waitress to make his order.

They waited patiently for their dessert and made small talk. The slice of cake shortly arrived.

I Don't Deserve You (A Jamilton College AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora