Chapter 9: Flowers, Misunderstandings, and Square One

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Sorry...thought I posted this earlier...oops.


“Red and white roses are good for apologies, but so are pink and white Tulips and violet Hyacinths,” the woman at the flower shop, named Theodosia, offered. “A mixture of all of them should do the trick.”

“They look beautiful,” Alexander looked at the bouquet she had prepared for him.

“Thanks, it’s kinda my specialty. If you want, I can even add a ribbon that says ‘please forgive me’ to wrap around it,” Theodosia offered with a kind smile.

“Thomas would think it’s cheesy...he would love it, yes, please,” Alexander smiled back and watched her do her thing.

“This for a boyfriend?” Theo asked.

“Kind of an ex-boyfriend I’m trying to get back together with,” Alex said. “I really messed up and I wanna make it up to him and tell him that I still love him. I just...I really have to fix this.”

“Sounds bad,” she said sympathetically. “Here’s your bouquet. This is your first time here, right?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Alex smiled.

“So you get a fifteen percent discount, so your total will be twelve dollars and seventy-five cents,” Theodosia smiled again, “but you seem like you need it, so I’ll make it ten dollars.”

“Thank you so much. You are a godsend,” Alex reached in his wallet for his ten dollars.

“It’s my pleasure! I hope all goes well with your ex.”

“Thank you. I’ll let you know how it went if I find myself back here,” Alex smiled and grabbed the flowers.

“I’d love to know if everything works out! You can bring your boyfriend back so I can meet him.”

“Yeah, I will.”

“Take care, now!”

“You too! Thanks again.”

Alex smiled and waved as he left the shop and began to walk back to the apartments. He didn't know where Thomas was, so he was going to check there first. He decided that he would probably be in Lafayette’s room.


After the ten minute walk to the apartments, he knocked on Lafayette’s door awaiting an answer. After a few seconds, the door opened and John Laurens appeared.

“Um...if you’re looking for Thomas, he went to the coffee shop,” Laurens stated.

“Thanks,” Alex nodded and turned to go to the coffee shop.

“Wait, Alexander,” John called out.

“Nope, not today,” Alex called back and hurried out of the building to avoid talking to Laurens.

He was already trying to fix one relationship, he didn’t need to try to fix another one. It took him five minutes to get to the coffee shop. He was about to step in, until he saw a sight he wasn’t expecting.

Thomas was in there with Angelica, holding her hands and smiling at her, Angelica reciprocating the smile.

No...he was too late. He moved on, and with Angelica. Of all people, he chose Angelica? He put his hand on the window and whispered, “Thomas.”

The flowers dropped, and that’s the moment he realized tears were falling rapidly down his cheeks. He ran to the apartments, ran into his room, slammed the door closed, and flopped onto the bed, loud sobs racking his body.

I Don't Deserve You (A Jamilton College AU)Where stories live. Discover now