0.14 Normal Life Once Again

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Y/n's pov-
"Graduating from kindergarten is Brooklyn Perez." She ran up on the stage with her light pink dress. Her red graduation gown they gave everyone. Chance was video tapping it while I was having some tears stream down my face.

We were once a normal family. Chance did his tour, he is releasing his bands second album. The triplets are growing up fast. Brooklyn has grown up, she just now graduated from kindergarten. His band have been having really big success lately. Once the graduation was over Brooklyn ran over to our group.

Which included Chance's band, our family, my family, his family. They were all hugging her and congratulating her. Emma left midway through the ceremony because she had to go meet with a relator. My mom said "I'm so proud of Brooklyn." Devin picked her up and said "Soon your gonna be to big." She chuckled and we walked out into our cars.

Brady said "So are we all meeting at your house?" "Yeah." I helped Chance put in the triplets, in the car. We sat in the front and he grabbed my hand. He said "Y/n, I'm so proud of us." "I'm so proud of us to." "Now what comes next I mean in our life." "Who knows babe."

Hey guys so so sorry for not updating I couldn't think of anything but now I did. But yeah thanks for 1.4K THAT IS FRICKING AMAZING!!! I love y'all so so much. I am debating on a third one of this series but who knows.

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