He came closer to Violet and said, "Before we go, I'd like to have some time alone with this one. I have a few things to say to her." He told the other soldiers and they all chuckled, taking her sister and parents out of the room. Violet felt her breath hitch in her throat, not for herself, but for her sister. She spotted Paisely in the back of the room, and he himself had personally gone to Ruby, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her away to the waiting military car.

The group of soldiers left the room, only Cade and Violet remained.

"Listen," Cade began in a low voice once he was sure they were out of ear shot. "I might be able to spare you, Violet..." He trailed off nervously, his brown eyes meeting her violet ones. She then realized his act in their presence had been only that--an act. His eyes were back to being the compassionate ones she remembered from the boy in the forest. He genuinely wanted to help her, and she still didn't understand why.

Why would he be willing to risk his own life just to spare hers?

"What about my family?" She asked him, looking now towards the empty doorway. She also wanted to know what the extent of his intentions were. What if he was only lying? What if him trying to help her was an act? He was a brunette after all and she knew they couldn't be trusted. Brunette boys didn't care for violet girls like her. But then what would be his reason to do so? She knew nothing about the revolution. She was no possible threat. Maybe he knew that and he pitied her for it.

Looking into his dark brown eyes, she saw a genuine desire to help her, despite the fact that he was supposed to be on the King's side.

Violet stuck her hand in the pocket of her purple school dress and she felt something. The purple pearl necklace he had given her two weeks prior. Her eyes widened in shock as she remembered what he told her--to put it on if she wanted to remember everything. Then she realized it was a memory necklace. The technology in her country was advanced, but it was only for the blondes and brunettes to use. She had heard of the memory necklaces in class. When a blonde or a brunette didn't want someone else to recall a certain memory, they would use a special device on them that would compact the memory into a colored pearl, the same color as the person's hair. That meant the necklace Cade gave her belonged to her. It contained the information as to why she didn't remember him.

She held it between them and the realization sunk in for him--she still didn't remember who he was. He watched her slowly reach behind herself and put the necklace on. As the pearl fell against her collarbones, she was taken back to a far off time in her memories. So much information being unlocked. Now her eyes were filled with recognition. She gasped as she fell back into reality, and she found herself throwing her arms around him. "Cade!" She cried, and he slowly drew his arms around her too.

Now Violet knew for a fact that Cade wasn't a bad guy, he just acted like one in front of his army troops. From her unlocked memories, she knew that he used to live in her Porpra when he was a little boy and she remembered the day King Mer Hemmings IV, the current King's father, took Cade in when his parents died.

Violet remembered him well, everyone knew the Hood family. They stood out anywhere in the province because they lacked what everyone else had, violet or red hair. They were brunettes. And brunettes were far above violets and even reds. But the people with the most power were the blondes. They were the supreme rulers of everything.

Cade's father was a very intelligent and well respected scientist, and they had moved to Porpra from Crown City. It was said by rumors that were floating around that they had been kicked out of there because Dr. Hood was building a transporting machine that could prevent the reign of the Hemmings family from ever happening. And so, they needed to move a place where no one would find them. That place was Violet's home town of Porpra. Being the poorest in the kingdom, no one would expect them to go there.

Of Lillies & Violets || hoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora