frolicking in the waves

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as rachel and sebastian reached the edge of the beach rachel stopped to remove her sandles sebastian holding her other hand securely so she wouldnt fall over,

sebastian tuck off his sneakers and as they carried them they walked onto the beach the warm sand caressing their toes.

" i love it" sebastian said

" me too" rachel said

" i will be back in a minute" sebastian said suddenly begore he ran off down the beach rachel wondered what he was doing.

rafhel stood taking in the sight infront of her the crystal clear blue water the pale golden sand the blue sky above with not one cloud to be seen. the gentle waves of the ocean scattered with dozens of boats of various shapes and sizes. the place was heaven like Santana rachel had never bern to the beach well she had but her dads when thry still wanted her had taken her on holiday.  they had never let her go on the beach incase the sand they had never really let her do anything looking back tnise early years hadnt been  so perfect after all.

" here you are babe" sebastian said having returned bringing her out of her reverie and handing her an ice cream.

" where is ours" hunter asked

" probably still at the shop im treating my girl " sebastian said hunter scoffed before running off in the same direction sebastian had.

" delicious " rachel said having tasted her ice cream

" focus rachel eat yoyr ice cream before it melt i will be just as delicious then as i am now" sebastian said

" honestly " rachel giggled

" here you are tana i got ours" hunter said

" you have a smaller one than i have" sebastian said rachel giggled and starting coughing as a bit of her ice cream cone stuck at the back of her throat when she giggled.

" only in the sense of our ice creams " hunter said

" i can believe that" santana giggled running a finger down hunter's chest

" that was yummy" rachel said having finished her ice cream

" why dont we go back to the coach get some towels you get your bikininon and we enjoy the glorious day with a nice little make out slash gropig session in the water" sebastian asked

" ok" rachel said

twenty minutes later the for of them ere back on the beach the girls in their bikinis the boys in their shorts thry placed their towels down.

" i need sun cream i burn if i dont use any" sebastian said

" awe poor delicate sebby" hunter said

" just remember who is paying for our rooms tonight before you say that" sebastian said

" ooh" hunter said taking off his tshirt making santana very excited.

" enjoy babe" hunter said flexing

" shall we go get some cream for you " rachel said

" will you do my back" sebastian said

" ofcourse" rachel said they walked only a few minutes before they found a store selling just what they needed.

with ten minutes they were back on the beach santana and hunter were laid having quite a make out session.

after sebastian had applied his cream and rachel had done his back se9tuck hold of her hand and they walked to the waters edge the water washed over their feet the cool water a lovely sensation after the warm sand.

" are their really big sharks out there " rachel asked

" yes but they wont come to close to the beach so we will be quite safe i wouldnt put you in danger" sebastian said before giving her a quick kiss.

" last one in is buying dinner " hunter yelled as he and santana came rushing past them into the water.

" so dinner on smythe" hunter said

" actually rach and i are in the water" sebastian said

" its not even upto  your ankles" hunter laughed

" still counts" sebastian said

" does not " hunter said

" shut up anyway i was planning to pay i know we have to be careful with the money but today is a big day we should celebrate" sebastian said

" come on" santana said splashing them both with water

" hunt control your woman" sebastian said as he and rachel walked further into the water

" control me nobody controls me" santana said

" thats true but i can control what happens to you" hunter said before picking her up and dropping her into the water.

" your so going to pay for that" santana yelled

sebastian lead rachel furture into the water it was now up to her waist rachel started to feel nervous.

" you ok" sebastian said looking at her concerned

" i dont like beennout of my depth" rachel said

" dont worry i wont let anything happen to you" sebastian said pulling her to him a wave came and almost knocked her over sebastian grabbed hold of her legs lifting them up and wrapping them around his waist.

" there your safe now" he said before thrir started a long passionate kiss.

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