hurdles we have to cross

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the following day hunter was driving sebastian was in the front passenger seat navigating while rachel and santana were making sandwiches the best they could atleast on some seats further back.

" i have to say i do prefer the sleeping arrangements " santana said they has slept inside the coach curtains devided it affording the two couples some privacy.

" yeah no bugs or bears" rachel said

" yep" santana said

" whats with all the traffic " sebastian said the two girls made their way to the front and saw the traffic ahead of them.

" maybe there has been an accident" hunter said

" maybe" sebastian said

" i hate been stuck in traffic" santana said

" really i love it" hunter said with a chuckle santana playfully slapped him

" you better kiss that better" hunter said

" i think i might have gotton hurt too" sebastian said winking at rachel who had to hold onto  the back of his seat as her legs had gone weak. sebastian looked very pleased with himself he knew the affect he had on her.

" shit" hunter said and rachel looked there a few vehicles ahead of them was some police.

" no" rachel said

" right you three move to the back dont let them see you" hunter said santana ran to the back sebastian got up out of his seat and tuck rachel to two rows of seats from the back and pulled her onto his lap.

" its ok it looks like an accident they are properly just conducting traffic" sebastian said stroking her hair out of her face.

" their waving me" hunter said

" no" rachel said clinging to sebastian

" they re waving me through" hunter said as the speed of the coach picked up

" guys it ok we are through" hunter said

" we thought that the last time" santana said

" they are still waving cars through they aint focusing on us" hunter said

  " i best navigate get us far way from here" sebastian said rachel got of his knee.


three hours later and they were pulled over in a rest stop mainly so the engine wouldnt over heat as they had agreed that sebastian would drive during the night as the roads would be quieter. they wanted to get to florida as soon as possible.

they were sat on the coach playing cards and eating the sandwiches the girls had made earlier.

" so we need to talk about what will happen when we get to florida " hunter said

" ok" santana said

" well we will have to find work and somewhere to stay" sebastian said

" i know a company who owns boat and they are hiring seb you can sail so can i" hunter said

" what about us" santana said

" we could waitress" rachel said

" ooh i can picture in the uniform" hunter said

" i have something to show you guys" sebastian said getting up and going over to his bags he pulled out the wad of money he had taken from his  dads safe.

" did you rob a bank or something" santana said looking at the amount of cash.

" no i took it from my house i figured i was owed some sort of compensation for been their son anyway we can use it to live in a motel for a while until we start earning money" sebastian said

" how come you didnt tell  me about it" hunter asked though he was smiling

" i forgot about it i wasfocused on getting rachel back" sebastian said

" awe" santana said smiling at rachel

" i know im adorable" sebastian said sitting back down pulling rachel onto his lap as he did.

" your amazing" rachel said before kissing him

" are you talking about the money or your sex life" santana said

" both i hope" sebastian said

" ok i need touse the onboard facilities " hunter said

" dont be long" santana said

" why your coming with me" hunter said pulling santana up out of her seat and the two ran to the toilet quickly closing the door.

" honestly is that all he thinks about" rachel giggled as se nibbled her ear lobe

" probably i know i do" sebastian said making her giggle more...

later that night

its now nine at night santana is curled up on hunter under a blanket in their makeshift bedroom sebastian is getting ready to drive. rachel despite his protests of her getting a good night sleep has decidee to sit up wih him and has made a flask of juice for them to drink during the drive.

" well then my love shall we get going" sebastian asked

" yep" rachel said as she followed him flask in hand go the front of the coach.

sebastian set off driving they were quiet for a few minutes

" you knw as much as im looking forward to been in the florida keys i am going to miss this its just us you me hunt and tana no one else matters" sebastian said

" i know what you mean im looking forward to been there as im scared we will get caught again but its freeing just us and the open road" rachel said

" i have a feeling this time we are going to make it" sebastian said

" really" rachel asked smiling at him

" yeah its obvious we are supposed to do this now otherwise we wouldnt have managed to attempt it twice" sebastian said

" good point" rachel said

" i hope hunt and i get hired on a boat" sebastian said

" it would be fun if you did" rachel said

" i would take you out at sunset a have you right there on the deck" sebastian said

" honestly " rachel giggled

" i know im such a romantic" sebastian said

the road trip Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin