night time

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after their fun in the water hunter lit a fire so rachel could cook their dinner which was soup as they had brought mainly tinned supplies but it was better eating soup just the four of thdm than been back in ohio.

" so what is the plan then do i drive for a few hours once we have eaten then find a motel" sebastian asked as he stood with his arms wrapped around rachel as she stirred the soup.

" yeah it wouldnt harm to put more distance between us and ohio" hunter said

" im tired" santana moaned

" well you  shouldnt have thrown such a tantrum then you wouldn't be so tired" hunter said

" it was your fault " santana said

" why dont you have a slerp while i drive" sebastian said

" good idea" santana said

" then at least it will be quiet" sebastian said santana threw an empty bottle of water at him.

" tana" rachel said

" its ok babe you can kiss it better for me later" sebastian said

" for goodness sake sebastian leave her alone she is cooking just think the sooner she can focus the sooner we can eat. then the sooner we can set off and the sooner you will have her in a motel room" hunter said

" think you just won the world record for number of times saying sooner in a sentence" sebastian said

" its ready" rachel said handing out the dishes of soup

" its vegetable i wanted potato and leek" santana said

" seb wanted vegetable" rachel said

" if you want potato and leek  make it yourself" sebastian said

" you made her cook" santana said

" yeah because i knew she would make what i wanted" sebastian said with a smug expression on his face.

" i have an idea" hunter said

" dont worry its quite normal " sebastian said

" shut it smythe i was thinking you two should shut up" hunter said

" hunt" santana snapped

" look babe your the hottest girl i have ever seen but it does not take away from the fact that your loud." hunter said

" well i know someone who wont be getting any tonight" santana said

" thats ok it means i will be wellrested for tomorrow night" hunter said

" right then hunter kill he fire santana wash the dishes rachel come sit on my lap and when they have finished their chores we will set off" sebastian said

" why do i have to wash the dishes" santana whined

" because rach cooked" sebastian said as rachel got onto his knee

" you should do them" santana said

"  cant sorry i have to help my girlfriend relax" sebastian said rachel felt her tummy flip it was the first time he had called her his girlfriend. he kissed her forehead before capturing her lips.

a short while later

" are we ready " sebastian asked as they got into the mini bus

" yep" they all said rachel was in the front with him santana was snuggled up to hunter on the seat behind them.

sebastian set off driving it had being a wonderful day though rachel was tired the feelinnlf being in the minibus and just driving was so freeing.

" let me know when you want me to find somewhere to sleep "sebastian said

" i will" rachel said they shared a smile santana was already asleep hunter was driftimg off too.

" i wonder if we are missed yet" sebastian said

" i was wondering thst earlier cn you imagine pulling up to a diner in the middle of nowhere and ordering something to eat and then seeing our faces on the tv screen" rachel giggled

" that would be funny" sebastian said

" and scary" rachel said

" scary by the time the police or whoever got to the diner we would be long gone" sebastian said

" i know i just mean im having to much fun i like it just the four of us" rachel said

" me too" sebastian said

they drove for around two hours before pulling into the parking lot of a motel.

" hunt" sebastian said reachi g over to wake him up

"  what" hunter asked waking up

" we are at a motel" sebastian said

" ok" hunter said

" come on then hunt lets check in. " sebastian said

" ok" hunter said getting out of the minibus santana was still fast asleep.

" you stay here babe" sebastian said winking at her

" alright" rachel said

as rachel sat there she looked at the motel it looked like something out of a movie it also made her be thankful for the strict inoculations policy at mckinley given she feard she might catch something from  the place.

a couple  of minutes later the boys were back holding keys sebastian opened the door of the minibus

" ok babe we are in room 6 santana and hunter are in room 5" sebastian said

rachel got out of the  vehicle and sebastian was gwtting their bags containing their nightware and stuff hunter had  opened the door to his and santana's room and was now carrying a sleeping santana into the room.

"night you two"  he said

" night" rachel said sebastian locked the minibus the  unlocked the door to their room it was surprisingly clean it was dated and dusty but it wasnt disgusting like she had imagined it would be.

"so shall we check out the shower" sebastian asked with a mischievous grin on his face rachel giggled...

author notice

hi guys next chapter tomorrow

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