second time is a charm

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its past midnight santana managed to fool sue into thinking she had swallowed the sleeping pill which was now flushed down the toilet. santana was busy quietly packing her things non of her stuff from the minibus had been returned so she didnt have much.

this was it she thought this time it had to work she was grateful that she and rachel were still at the same home it could have been worse. santana pined for hunter not knowing how to find him.

bag ready santana put her plan into action and as quietly as she could she started to pick her lock holding her breath as she waited for the click amd there is was her door was now unlocked.

slowly she opened her door and peaked around there was no one the place was silent she left her room slowly closing her door so no one suspected a thing. silently she moved down the hall still holding her breath that the floorboards didnt creek. she reached rachel's room she once again to the hair pin and started to pick the lock it didnt take long as it had been picked many times before.


rachel was laid on her bed when she heard her lock she felt a mix of nerves and exhilaration it had to be santana.

the door opened and there was her best friend with her bag packed.

" well dont just sit there get packing" santana whispered having closed the door.

" but how are we going to get out" rachel asked

" let me worry about that" santana said their cell phones had been confiscated by sue almost immediately after they were in the car on the way to the hospital so they had had no contact with each other since they got back.

rachel got up and quickly and silently got her things together santana stood listening out by the door.

" im ready" rachel said santana tuck her hand

" this is it whatever happens its you and me you have me rach how we will find the boys i dont know i cwnt promise that we will be we are going far away from here and this time we are not coming back" santana said

santana opened the door lowly and checked that the coast was clear it was she signalled for rachel to follower her holding hands the two girls left the room and walked silently along the hallway to the stairs.

santana and rachel worked together to open the door leading to the stairs has they knew it had a loud squeak they some how managed to open it without it making a sound then the difficult task of the stairs.

" shoes" rachel whispered

" what" santana asked

" bare feet will make less noise on the stairs " rachel said santana beamed at her as they both removed their boots and quickly rqn down the stairs without making a much noise at all.

the door at the bottom of the stairs was locked so santana once again with her trusted hair pin got to work rachel could hear her heart pouding she was surprised it hadnt woek people up by its noise.

santana manged after a few minutes to unpick the lock and then checked the coast was clear it was but they knew at the end of the hall was where the night time security guard sat so they had to silent and they had to be quick.

santana tuck rachel's hand and h0lead her diwn the other end of the hallway away from where the guard was they could hear him snoring.

this was it they were not at the exit door santana ojce more picked the lock amd they were ready more than ready.

" right rach once this door opens people might know so once its open you run ok dont worry about me i will meet you at the park ok just run" santana said

" ok" rachel said

this was it santana pusued the door open thanks to the run down state mckinley was in the alarm on the door no longer worked as the door opened the girls bolted as fast as they could rachel had never run so fast in her life.

meanwhile an hour earlier

sebastian was in his bedroom his bags packed he had also managed to sneak into his dads office and open the safe drawer his father was away on business over night. sebastian tuck all the money he could fit into his pockets so that his mom wouldnt suspect anything if she saw him. his had had gotton away with assaulting rachel like he always did given he was a man of  power.

now here he was lamp by the window wondering hous hunter was going to get him his father had installed a lock on the outside of his bedroom dooe so creeping thouh the house wasnt an option. as sebastian stood there he heard a noise from outside then saw hunter smiling in at him sebastian opened his window and saw hunter was stood up a ladder.

" where" sebastian asked

" i borrowed it from someone who doesnt know that" hunter said sebastian handed hunter his bags he throught them to the ground and then went down the ladder so sebastian could do the same.

bwfore ling the two boys were running like hell sebastian followed hunter through the wopd opposite his parwnts house and what he saw when they reached the other side made his heart sing it wasnt the minibus but a full on coach.

" hunt" sebastian said

" well i figured if you and the girls show up missing they would look for the van as im eighteen and it was in both our names i got the minibus back all our stuff is in it plus we can sleep in it so no need to stop so much.

" wow" sebastian said

" come on lets go to lima" hunter said the two boys rushed over and climbed in sebastian had to fight back tears as he saw rachel's stuff on the seats.

" right then" sebastian said getting into the passenger seat and hunter set off.

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