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its friday night and rachel and santana are making their way on foot to the park having sneaked out of mckinley its 11pm curfew is 10pm on a weekend but the girls dont care. 

though they have their reasons for wanting to be out of that place the main boss there figgins is an idiot has no idea that teenagers dontnlike to be cooped up. the deputy manager miss slyvester is a horrible bully who hates children great character for a children's home worker. however the main reason is the janitor ken who makes all the girls uncomfortable leering at them.  accidentally walking into the girls showers or changing rooms he even knocks on their dorm room doors saying he has to check something. he seems to have a particular infatuation with santana which is why she and rachel who have shared a room for since they were eight years old and are best friends try to be out of the place as much as possible.

" i wish that security guard wasn't working at the gas station friday night without booze its not on rach" santana said as they walked through the gates of the park.

" we could walk around see if there is any stores without a guard" rachel said

" i really am a bad influence on you" santana chuckled

" your a very good bad influence " rachel said

" ooh boys things are looking up" santana said spotting two boys about their age sat on a wooden picnic table smoking.

" hey give us a ciggie" santana said to them as they walked close to the table the two boys turned.

" well i dont normally share but how could i say no to you" one of them said

" less talking more giving" santana said rachel rolled her eyes santana sure had a way with words

" i might be saying that to you later " he said smiling at her

" not if i dont get my cig you wont be" santana said as he handed one to her before offering one to rachel.

" no thank you" rachel said

" she doesn't smoke but i will have hers" santana said taking another one out of the pack.

" santana " rachel said

" i dont mind i havent said what the cost of them will be yet anyway im hunter  this is sebastian " hunter said

" im santana but call me tana this is rachel call her rach" santana said

" so what are you to ladies doing out this late at the park on a friday night" sebastian asked

" enjoying a short lived feeedom what about you guys" rachel asked

" same" sebastian said

" so you girls meeting up with anyone" hunter asked as he lit santana's cig for her

" nope we just like being out " santana said

" so you guys live near by " hunter asked

" we live at mckinley " rachel said

" the children's home" sebastian asked

" yep" santana said

" we live at dalton" sebastian said

" the correctional facility for boys so you two are bad boys then" santana said

" oh yes" hunter said

" hardly" sebastian said

" dont break their dreams seb" hunter said

" seriously though what did you do to make your parents send you there" santana asked

" i got kicked out of  a military acadamy my dad figured i needed to learn a lesson about discipline" hunter said

" what about you" rachel asked looking at sebastian

" my dad is a bastard he hit my mom and me until the day i hit him back so he shipped me off to dalton because apparently i have anger issues" sebastian said

" so whats your stories" hunter asked

" my mom was a teenager when she had me and i was taken into care" santana said

" i had two dads they were a gay couple they used a surrogate to have me life was good until i turned seven and they divorced and niether wanted me to live with them" rachel said

" thats terrible " sebastian said

" im over it " rachel said

" yeah and she would never have met me" santana said

" so you guys being friends for a long time" sebastian asked

" since we were eight what about you guys" rachel asked

" we have being friends for almost two years we met at dalton" sebastian said

" you know chatting here smoking is making me thirsty" santana said

" you want something to drink" hunter asked

" now you mention it yeah" santana said smiling at him

" well unfortunately the store we usually get our beer from has a guard tonight..." sebastian started to say

" you go to the gas station four blocks from here too then" rachel asked

" yep" sebastian said

" so how about we treat you both to a shake " hunter said

" what do you say rach shall we give these two the privilege of our company " santana asked

" i dont see why not" rachel said

after having a shake wih the guys and swapping numbers it was time to head back to mckinley it had being a rather fun night even if they hadnt had any alcohol.

author notice

hi guys next chapter later today

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