Chapter 2: Threatened to Break.

Start from the beginning

My mother let out a scoff before slamming the door shut. I glared at the door debating whether or not to scream in anger or to let it go.

"It's going to be okay," Ethan reassured me. I let out a heavy sigh and held the umbrella as he put on the raincoat. I opened the umbrella and saw it was not even big enough for two people.

"Here," I spoke in a soft tone before passing him the umbrella. He shook his head, "I have a raincoat. You can have the -"

"Ethan, I'm not going to let you get sick. Do not argue with me on this," he glared at him. He let out a sigh and took the umbrella from me. I pulled my hoodie over my head and we started to walk in the rain heading to school.

The rain got heavier and I became more soak. I glimpse over to Ethan to see the rain was barely getting to him and I was happy about that. I don't care how much I had to go through, I was going to give Ethan the life our parents couldn't provide along with the love and care.

We walked a certain way and soon enough, Hazel just ran down from a tree in front us. He ran over to us and Ethan picked him up before putting him on his shoulder.

"Morning Hazel," Ethan greeted him. He chattered to Ethan and I didn't have to translate since Ethan knew he was greeted back. Hazel then chattered towards me and I ignored him question of why I looked mad.

He then tugged on Ethan as if Ethan would answer him. Ethan looked at him and Hazel chattered then pointed his hand to me.

Ethan shook his head, "She's just mad because of our mother. Truth be told, I think she's mad about something else too," he whispered the last part to Hazel which I heard.

The rest of the walk went with silence besides the sound of the rain hitting the umbrella and the ground. We finally made it to the school and I said my goodbye's to Ethan before he headed in. I stood under a tree trying to shade myself from the rain. I looked down at Hazel who was chattering at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just wish that Ethan had a much easier childhood you know?" I asked and he agreed. "I just can't wait till we leave this shit of a town in 2 months," I huffed.

Hazel chattered some more and I nodded, "Yes, I wouldn't forget to take you," I promised. We said our goodbyes and I headed into the school. Rio was no where outside today since it was raining hard and I'm pretty sure a raindrop could take him down with one shot.

I decided to go to the bathroom and try to dry myself up a bit since I was soaking wet. Walking down the halls, I ignored the common whispers and stares. I walked around the corner and entered the girl's bathroom. I threw my bag on the sink counter and walked over to the paper towel dispenser. I grabbed a bunch before walking over to the mirror and drying my face and arms. I pat dried some of the water off from my jacket and threw the wet paper towels out.

The bell rung and I let out a groan knowing if I didn't leave now, I would be late for Chemistry. I grabbed my bag and walked out the bathroom before heading to class. I walked in only to receive the normal stares which I ignored. I made my way to the back of the classroom and sat down only to hear a squishing sound which was the soaked hoodie. I dropped my bag on the floor and took out my notebook and folder which had my homework.

My teacher walked in and the class went silent. A guy then walked in not to long after her. He had on some black jeans along with a black hoodie and black shades. His hair was a mild brown with was ruffled and a little damp due to rain. He walked up to her and handed her a piece of paper. I looked around the room to see everyone was staring at him.

"Okay class, this is our new student. His name is .... Kaiden Cottfield," she looked at the paper as she read off his name. she then passed him back the paper. "Please sit next to Freya since that's the only seat left. She will explain what we've been up to," Ms. Smithy pointed over to me.

He turned his head my direction and I couldn't help but scoff. He hummed to her and a grin grew on his face as he made his way over to me.

Great, a creep and everyone thinks I'm the weird one.

He sat down next to me and laid back in his chair casual as if this was a normal thing for him. I didn't bother saying a word or giving him the glimpse. Time went by slow and I couldn't help but be a little annoyed and worried for Ethan. Ms. Smithy finally collected the homework and decided to take the chance to use the bathroom to try and dry my sweater a little more since it was still soaking wet.

Walking down the empty hall, I turned the corner and walked into the bathroom. Going through the same process as earlier. I grabbed a bunch of dry napkins and tried to pat dried my hoodie. I then gave up and decided to try and used the hand drier which was running pretty slow. I pushed the button on the metal box and warm arm started to flow out. I raised my sleeve up to the drier and let out a sigh. This was going to take forever.

The door then flew open with a bunch of laughter's which I recognized. Not bothering to turn around and look, I continued to dry my sweater.

"Look who we have here," Ashley's annoying voice snickered as she came closer behind me. I heard her little hoes snickered behind her which was Alice and Hannah. I honestly wasn't in the mood to deal with her so I just decided to ignore her.

"Cain told me what you did to him yesterday. I don't like you touching my man," she hissed out behind me. I didn't say anything.

"I'm talking to you," she shouted as she pushed me forward causing me to bump into the drier. I turned around in anger, "Look, today is not the day and Cain deserved it. You think I'm going to stand there and let him beat up my little brother?" I scoffed.

She snickered, "You're brother is just like you. A freak who don't belong here."

I felt my blood boiling. "Watch it," I warned in a threatening tone.

Her and her hoes let out a laugh, "Look, she's getting mad," Alice spoke in a mocking voice.

I let out a deep breath and turned to walk out. Within a second, I was yanked back into my previous spot and I was now staring Ashley in the face who was now clearly pissed off. "Today, Cain's going to teach your little freak of a brother a lesson," she spoke in a evil tone with a smirk taking it's place on her lips.

Angry took over me and I launched myself towards her and tackled her to the floor. I landed some punches on her face but was quickly pulled off her by Alice and Hannah. Ashley got off the ground and let out a growl before letting out a laugh. This woman is a crazy!

"Wrong mistake," she grinned before punching me in the ribs. I let out a painful grunt and looked up at her. "I made no mistake. You ever talk about my brother like that again or even threaten him, I will rip your hand off your body," I hissed in anger.

"We'll see," she scoffed. Within a blink of an eye, I was thrown to the floor being kicked and punched in every direction. I let out a painful groan as my body was being tackled. After about 3 minutes, they all stopped. I was then turned over so I was looking at the ceiling.

Ashley's face came into view, "Don't ever touch me again or hurt Cain," she hissed before punching me square in the face. It was a weak hit but it still hurt. I let out a groan and slowly turned on my side only to be struck with more pain. The door opened then closed and I'm guessing they had left.

I let out a painful groan as I laid on the bathroom floor. It took me about 2 minutes to stand back up on my two feet. I leaned over the sink and spit to see blood. I washed it down and looked in the mirror to see I had a shiner under my eye and my lip was bleeding. With anger, I punched the mirror with all my force causing it to crack a little.

I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned up the blood from my face. I don't care how much bone I may break, I will punch anyone who dares threaten my brother or tries to harm him. The only reason that stupid slut won was because he asswipes helped her. I walked over to the garbage can and let out a groan as my ribs was in pain.

Letting out a tired and painful sigh, I sucked up the pain and exit the bathroom and headed down the hallway. After 3 years of dealing with Ashley, you just become use to it all. Nothing ever gets pass her and what's sad is that she doesn't even fight her own fights.

Nature's Freak - BOOK 1 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now