Chapter 5 - To be sane and respectful

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For the first time in his teenage years, he actually managed to blush from a girl.


A pretty girl at that too. She was his annoying cousin's friend though, so she was supposed to be the same, right? But Katsuki came to the conclusion that (Name) was the down-right opposite of his blonde relative. She was calm, not easily angered, she didn't annoy him as much as the other girls and her posture, how she held herself, told him she came from a rich family. All in all, she was nice, but he still didn't know about her quirk a single thing. Maybe she liked to keep it hidden? Or was it too lame that she was ashamed to show it anyone? Perhaps she was quirkless too, like that weak Deku?

But to all these questions he was unable to find an answer as long as he didn't get to know her better. Once he heard that some people only show their quirks to people they trust.

"-tsuki! Bakugou fucking Katsuki!"

The blonde turned to his cousin with an irritated expression. "What?!"

"Finally!" Yuriko slapped the back of his head. "I thought you were so lost in (Name)'s beauty that you'd even forgot your own name!" Katsuki's face reddened immediately at the thought of the said female. Yuriko's eyes glinted mischeviously. "I knew you've got the hots for her!"

The explosion maker growled at her, then scoffed. "Like I'd ever like your pathetic little friend."

Yuriko smirked. "You're just in denial!"

Of course, Yuriko had this tendency to irritate and tease others around her and if you have known her long enough to realize she does not know the boundaries of personal space, you're fucked. Because you can never escape her endless nosiness. "Fuck you."

The blonde girl rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Come on, Katsuki. I haven't seen you blush since kindergarden, when you were kissed on the cheek by a little girl."

He growled under his breath, trying to ignore his cousin's idiotic antics. All of a sudden, he heard Yuriko gasp.

"Katsuki, down!"

"Wha-" His eyes widened when he felt sufficated. Some green slime or liquid was wrapping around him and he could faintly hear his cousin's frantic plea for the slime to let him go. He could see her blurred figure trying to attack what was keeping him captured, but the thing used him as a humanshield.

(Name), as much as she liked watching the news on tv, she hated when it was about heroes. The screen showed and alley with worried faced people standing around, watching a grown man with long, messy hair and scruffy outfit hugging a teenage boy with terrifyingly similar hair to Katsuki's. Wait, Bakugou Katsuki?!

(Name) stood up and rushed to the television. Looking at it from a closer angle, that boy was Katsuki and not far from him and the man molesting him was a passed out Yuriko. The next thing she saw was a familiar green haired boy running towards them, trying to break the blonde free from the man's hold. And then, came a huge explosion.

She watched with a horrified expression as the man gets punched and the remains of his body fly around in the air. Blood was coating the street, his insides were all over the place. (Name) felt sickness building up in her stomach as All Might laughs and the people around them cheer for his victory. She thought they were insane. How could they be so happy when someone just got brutally murdered?! What was wrong with them?! Were they insane?!

The anxious and sick feeling just kept rising when she witnessed the police collect the gore remains of the man and put them into trashbags. She immediately had enough and turned off the tv. What was this madness?!

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