Prologue - Not really special

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People are born unequal.

It all began in the town of Qing Qing, China with the news of the birth of a mysterious "Luminescent Baby". Shortly there-after similar phenomena popped up all over the world. The trigger for these newfound powers was determined, but as time progressed what was once extraordinary became ordinary and "dreams" became reality.

Of the planet's population, around 80% have developed unique abilties, or "individualities"- called "quirks". Humanity has entered a new age- a society of superhumans. And in this world whirling in chaos a certain profession that people used to aspire to only in daydreams, has stepped into the light of day!

The great phenomenon was attended by an accompanying increase in crime levels and while nations dawdled in making any sort of radical change to the law, men and women of courage took inspiration from comics and donned the mantle of heroism! They began policing this brave new world, and defending innocents from evil!

Suddenly through the swell of public opinion, heroism gained rights as an official occupation and due to their various acts of meritorious service, they obtained income from the state and renown from the people!

But in this new reality that has become our daily life, not everybody could find their place. Someone who has no quirk, is often bullied for it. They are being looked down on and some people enjoy torturing them. And even though it sounds strange, these bullies were often much worse than villains.

A long haired little girl, no older than 4 called out. "Hey (Name)-chan!"

The other child turned around, quitting from playing in the sand. "Yes, Yuriko-chan?"

"Kazuma-kun finally got his quirk! Come on, I wanna see it!"


(Name) stood up, swiping down the remaining sand on her clothes. With a sigh, she followed her friend's way inside the kindergarten's building. She stepped into the classroom, where the other children circled around a black haired boy, also known as Kazuma Hiiroichi. He was using his hand and fingers to draw in the air. On his face, there was a huge smile.

"Wow, your quirk is really pretty, Kazuma-kun!"

"Could you draw something for me? Pretty please?"

"For me too!!"

The teachers and children were praising his newfound ability, making him feel like someone really special.

"If I think about it, now (name)-chan is the only one left, who hasn't got her quirk yet." One of the teachers pointed it out, looking at the said girl.

(Name) awerted her gaze to somewhere else. She knew it already. Better than anyone else. Everybody assured her, that she was just a latebloomer, but she couldn't believe them. Her mother would always tell her, that the best always comes last and her father would pat her head, saying "It's ok, (name)-chan. Your mother and I love you just the way you are.". It wasn't like she didn't know that. She just didn't want people to judge her for not having a quirk.

After getting out of kindergarten to elementary school, her life became pretty much normal. Her classmates didn't bully her for not having a quirk, or rather didn't dare to bully her. Her mom was a respected hero and her father was filthy rich. They tried to be friends with her instead. Although she saw through their lies, she welcomed them with open arms. This was for the best, even if it's a lie.

"Is there something wrong, darling?" The hero mother asked her daughter who was picking her food.


"Yes, dear?"

"Do you think, when I grow up, I will be someone special like you and daddy?"

Her mother stopped in her tracks, automatically trying to say the words her child deserved, but after taking a quick look on her daughters face and the woman's thoughts disappeared. There was a long silence.

"The answer is no, right? Well it's not I ever wanted to be like that."

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