Chapter 1 - Not Really Her Problem

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Name) knew when someone was lying to her.

She just could feel it, like a 6th sense. It was crystal clear, that her supposed-to-be-friend was lying into her face. She acted the same, but her eyes told another story. They were filled with pure mortification.

(Name) would've got up from her seat and walked away the second she noticed her telling the opposite of truth. But she didn't, because she felt pity for her friend.

The (h/c) haired girl sighed heavily and slowly asked. "What did you do, exactly?"

The other female silenced herself. She knew that her friend was going to ask this question. And when she was talking slowly, in a low voice, that meant trouble. Yuriko awkwardly started playing with her hair. "I... uhh... kinda fo-followed him... to his... uhh... house."

(Name) was legitimately about to stand up and leave her, but she contained herself. "So... you followed him home and...?"

Yuriko gulped, eyes flickering everywhere, except on (Name). "I've found out he has a... daughter and a wife."

(E/c) orbs widened out slowly, almost bulging out of her head. Her best friend, who has been with her since day one, stalked her mother's boyfriend to his home, because she was suspicious about him, cheating on her mom. And to be honest, (Name) really liked her best friend's mother. She was nice, caring, always careful with (Name) when they were talking about quirks in the family, because she didn't want to upset her. It felt like she was her second mother.

"Did you tell your mother?" Was the question she asked from her friend.

The other girl shook her head, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. "But I really want to. I just feel the need to tell her. He is clearly married, he's cheating on his wife with my mother. It's hella obvious, that he doesn't want anything from mom, just to be his side... hoe."

(Name) blinked a few a times, hearing those words out of her mouth. "Side hoe? Yuriko, you should stop watching those videos on youtube."

"It doesn't matter, (Name)! I just feel so betrayed by this man! My mother really loves him. Like she is legit lovesick. I don't want mom to have a broken heart! Especially by this... manwhore!" She was fuming, her nails clawing the desk, making very visible scratches on it. Her quirk was basically build in her body. She could run like a cheetah, like Speedy Gonzales. But man, her nails were made out of metal. She had two quirks. One of them were her claws and the other one was the super speed. Basically a beast in a teenage girl's body.

(Name) sighed, then gently put her hand on her friend's, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Ok, so what if we 'confront' this man about this?"

The blonde female immediately shook her head, with a strict "No".

"But if you won't tell your mother, then she will still be in this position, completely controlled by this man. Or we can just walk up to him and start talking to him, like a normal person and ask him about his real family. Let's see his reaction!" This idea wasn't that bad. It was dangerous, but wasn't a bad suggestion at all.

"Fine. But you're going to talk!"

The (h/c) haired girl tilted her in a confused way. "What?"

"You're the one who will do the talking, and I will be standing there beside you to keep emotional support."

"But she is your mother!"

"Your idea, your responsibility."

She rolled her (e/c) eyes. "Fine." Her friend could be such a coward sometimes.

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