Chapter 3 - Late Night Visitor

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(Name) felt like, as if her lungs were unable to work properly.

Her breath hitched as she saw the shards on the ground in front of her. The girl wanted to just run and never look back again. This was a mistake, a bad choice. How could they be so naive?! 
She gulped down the upcoming vomit out of nervousness, then looked over at Yuriko. The blonde was laying on her back, her face kinda peaceful, as if she was sleeping. (Name) let out a relieved sigh and walked over to her best friend, starting to shake her. She tried to wake her up by tickling her, pinching her sides and cheeks. The eyes of the female fluttered, slowly sitting up.

"(Name)..? What's wrong?" She yawned. The other girl just helped her up, checking if she had any injuries. "I'm okay, (Name)." Yuriko said, kinda annoyed. "But where is that bastard?!"

(Name) looked at the pile of tiny pieces, then at her friend. "That's... him." She pointed at it. "I don't really understand how it happened, but..." Her voice trailed off. "T-there was a portal-like thing...a-and a hand was reaching out to him f-from the black hole..." Yuriko's eyes widened. "Then he just... fell apart."

Long silence came upon the two girls, they could hear each other's heartbeat quicken. They looked down, and one of the started whispering. "W-what do we do now? We can't just tell the police..."

(Name) sniffed. "I know. We just... have to pretend it didn't happen-"

Yuriko's head snapped up, tears were visible pooling up in her eyes. "We can not do that! My mother will... she will search for him!" She slammed her fist to the ground. "I am not going to lie to her!"

"I'm not asking you to lie to her... but what would you tell her if she asked you what the hell happened to him? Would you explain to her, that you followed the man and found out he has a family already? And then you told me and we both came up with the idea of confronting him about this? Even the part were you pounced on him to claw his throat out?" The (h/c) haired girl went on, trying to get a hold on the situation. Because it wad true. How could they explain this?

Yuriko looked defeated, she was crying by now. She had her arms around her knees, hiding her face in between. "Then what now?" She asked, sniffing loudly.

"We have to go home..."

Only after a month could (Name) forget about the incident. At night she would still dream about it sometimes, the portal-like black hole swallowing her up whole, with the hand disintegrating her into small pieces, while she is burning alive in black flames, screaming in pure agony. Her friend was far more luckier, as weird as it sounds. She couldn't really remember what happened, but her heart was raging in fury, everytime she thought about the now dead man. Her mother though, was a different story.
She was searching for the man, trying to call him to reach him somehow, but with no success. She was brokenhearted, but this was the perfect time for Yuriko to cheer her up and spend more time with her mother, unlike in the past few months.

But as time flew, came the week of exams. (Name) had to study, although she was very smart and her intelligence was far above than her classmates. Her parents were proud of their daughter, very proud.

"So, darling, which school do you want to go? Have you decided yet?" Her mother was curious, although she knew already were her daughter would want to go.

"I'm thinking about studying in Tokyo, or Miyagi Prefecture. These were the only places I could find, which aren't for hero-wanna-bes." (Name) answered dryly, picking up a the noodles with chopsticks. They were having a family dinner at home.

"Very good, sweetheart. But, you know, there are excellent school nearby too. You don't have to go so far." Her mother said, trying to convince her daughter. (Name) stopped her movements and looked down on her lap. She sighed heavily.

"I've already decided, mom. I'm going to study somewhere else." She stated the fact, surprising her father, who was eating quietly at the table, not wanting to get in between to two women. He liked to stay out of their conversations and arguments, due to the fact that he was the only male in the family.

"But why? Is it because of your... hate for people with quirks?"

"No! Mom, you're misunderstanding me. I don't hate them, I just don't like people who think they're better than those who don't have quirks. They are so arrogant and annoying! I do not want to study at a school, where these people exists!" (Name) reasoned, trying to stay calm. This was a very sensitive topic to her, and her mother knew that. They've had arguments about this before and the did not end well. "They are show-offs, who have too much pride to have any other traits. They sometimes barbaric bullies, they hurt those, who are weaker and can't defend themselves!" Her voice rose up, remembering about the bullying event at her school. "And they call themselves heroes, mom!"

She silenced her mother, alright. This was something (Mother's name) couldn't say anything against. The last 15 minutes passed in silence, (Fathet's name) was still thinking if he should even say something or not. It's like he could defend any of them, because if he did, the one of them would think he is against her. So he thought, it would be better to stay silent. 
(Name) was the first to stand up and leave the diningroom. She said a quiet "thank you for the food" and she was off.

Up in her room, (Name) was laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She shouldn't have siad those things so furiously. She loved her mother dearly and she would always treat her parents with respects. But this was different. There were times, when she couldn't control herself and would erupt like a vulcano, full of emotions. She needed to apologize tomorrow.

After taking a shower, washing her face and brushed her teeth, (Name) was ready to go to bed and sleep like a rock. Tomorrow was Saturday, so she could rest through the whole day. 
Burying herself into the fluffy pillows and plushies, with her blanket hiding her, she fell into a deep slumber.

It was probaly in the middle of the night, when she felt herself wake up suddenly. Her long lashes fluttered, as she slowly opened her eyes. As soon as the (e/c) orbs adjusted to the dark, they flickered around the room, until they stopped at an oh-so-familiar black hole. She watched as it grew bigger and bigger, spreading quickly, forming into a more defined shape. Her eyes widened as it picked up it's original form. At first it looked a creatire from a nightmare, but after a few blinks it looked more like a... man?
A man was definitely standing in her room, watching her every movement with his glowing white orbs. Suddenly he took a step forward. (Name) felt her worst enemy, fear, crawling up her back, as she eyed the man walking towards her. His features were more defined now. He was wearing a black suit and his hair was definitely a darker color. His skin tone was kept unseen, because of the darkness in the room, but she could still pick out a few things of his face. Sharp jawline and a straight and defined cheekbones. This was handsome, no doubt about that. But what was he doing inside her house, her room?

She shut her eyes closed, pretending to sleep. This wasn't the right time to admire a stranger's face, not to mention, that it was a high chance, that he was the one who has been watching her all this time. 
She felt a hand sliding up her blanket covered arm. He was touching her. The girl couldn't help but feel even more in danger. His movements were gentle, almost feathery, as if he was trying to not to wake her up by touching her. His hand reached shoulder, his fingers finally touching her skin. He was surprisingly warm. The fingers were now on her cheek, just barely feeling the pressure of them on herself. The hand stilled on her face, until she felt a warm breath on her forehead. Her blood ran cold.
His lips were warm on her bare skin, and as suddenly as it happened, as quickly they disappeared. (Name) sat up immediately, reaching for the lamp on her drawer next to her bed. 
The light was switched on, illuminating the room. She was panting heavily as she looked around the room, searching for the man. 
The fact that he could enter her place without making any effort, terrified her. She was doomed that's for sure.

She gulped as her shaking hand switched off the lamp. But as soon as she did that, she couldn't help to turn on the lights again. (Name) felt scared at the moment the light disappeared. The girl decided to leave them on, just in case. Taking a deep breath, she buried her face into her big pillow, closing her eyes. All she needed now, was a huge and deep sleep.

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