"Why do you care so much?" Anton matched my anger.

I took a deep, angry breath, but I couldn't say anything more because I was being pried off of Anton by my boyfriend.

Seeing my fleeting opportunity, while I was still in range, I kicked my legs upwards.

As soon as I made contact, Anton crumbled to the floor.

Jackson dropped me in shock.

"I don't make empty threats." I spat.

Then, I walked away leaving one boy very shocked and the other in a lot of pain.

"You will not believe who just rolled up in a flowery, pink buggy."

Jason, out of breath, just ran up to our table and spit out words at a rate previously thought to be impossible for human beings.

"What?" Shawn asked confused at the same moment when blonde twins shouted,


Jason shook his head and beckoned us to come with him,

"Follow me."

I, Jackson (who just had to force his way through our friend group to walk next to me), Chris, The Ditzs, basically everyone immediately jumped up from our lunch table and followed the flustered sophomore.

Jason ran ahead of us to open the front doors when we neared them.

When each of us pushed our way through the door, we all got a good, hard glimpse at my, Elf's, and Anton's handy work.
There was a chorus of laughter as the subject in question locked the doors to the buggy.

Jamie's face fell when he heard and then saw all of us at his – now – lowest point.

"This is exactly why I came late to school: to avoid this!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes and gesturing to all of his laughing friends – and Jason (Jason's still pretty pissed).

The Grandfather sulked on over to us as he messed with his piercings.

"It's like you're doing it on purpose." Chris said with a grin that I'm pretty sure is breaking his face.

"Yeah, man." Shawn crossed his arms, smiling, "It's like you want to get made fun of."

Jamie glared at all of us, "That's definitely not what I want."

"Then please, explain the buggy." Jackson stifled a laugh.

"My bike broke down and I don't have the cash to fix it right now."

"So..." Cassidy drew out, "you rented the girliest car you could find?"

Needless to say, she got an evil glance from the not-so-happy bad boy with the tainted image.

"It my s-" His voice trailed off quickly with a 'coincidental' cough at the end.

Luckily, he didn't notice the shocked glance he received from me at his almost mistake.

"It's my mother's, Genius."

By this time, Jamie was on the top step with the rest of us.

"Hey," Shawn eyed his friend with a smile, "no need to get sassy with my girl."

Jamie sighed and pushed past us so that he could get to the warm air.

Chris growled when Cassidy and Shawn kissed.

He followed Jamie's lead.

The rest of us were right behind them.

I took one last glance at the buggy before the door closed.

But even when it did, there was still a very pleased smile on my lips.

"What's that look all about?" Jackson asked me as he took off his H.L.A, blue and white hoodie.

"Am I not allowed to smile?" I asked him, trying to cover up my overwhelming satisfaction with shivers.

He put the hoodie over my shoulders, "Not like that you're not."

"How am I smiling any differently than I usually do?"

Jackson looked into my eyes thoughtfully, "This was another evil one."

"Fine," I pulled my arms through the holes of the jacket, "I might have prayed to God, the fates, whoever to make Jamie's life hell after we broke up. Obviously at least one of them is real."

Jackson's face was overcome with the smile that formed,

"You're crazy, you know that?"

"Hey, you're dating me so what does that say about you?"


I heard footsteps from the left of me draw closer.

Looking up from my phone, I got into my pouncing stance so quickly that I almost dropped the device.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Anton put up a hand to stop me in my tracks.

My brain automatically looked for the best route to attack, but I noticed something in his other hand.

"Don't!" He noticed me about to unleash my crazy yet again, "I have a peace offering."

I eyed him down and nodded towards it,

"What's that?"

"Godiva. Your favorite."

My eyes narrowed.

"Milk chocolate."

I relaxed ever so slightly,

"Slide it over here."

Anton slowly – with his left palm still facing me – bent down and slid the object across the sidewalk in front of the school building.

Watching him closely, I took a few steps, bent down and grabbed the chocolate, then inspected it for damage, entrance, and most importantly – if it was actually milk chocolate.

It cleared inspection.

I tore the wrapper, "What do you want, Wesley?"

"Since when do you call me by my last name?"

"Since I'm upset with you, now speak before I leave. It's already four-thirty and I want to go home."

Anton visibly become uncomfortable, "Can...can we sit or something?"

"No, we can stand and you can tell me why the heck you thought I wouldn't actually kick you in the balls."

Anton looked into my eyes – which had simmered to their normal level of psycho – and shook his head,


He waited until I could take the first bite of chocolate before he started to talk,

"I didn't ask out Elf..."

My mouth was too full of soft deliciousness for sarcasm to spill from it. My face had to communicate it instead.

"But, I had good reason."

My eyes impatiently told him to keep talking.

"I like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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