Finding Out

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It's been four months since you and Harry started trying

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It's been four months since you and Harry started trying. You haven't been feeling well for two almost three weeks now and it made Harry not want to go into work.  After forty minutes of back and forth he headed to work and called Louis' wife Maggie to hang out with you just in case something happens.

"Y/n haven't you and Harry started trying for a baby?" Maggie asked after you ran into the bathroom to puke your guts up for the sixth time today. 

"Yeah. Why?" You said weakly sitting in front of the toilet. Trying to hold down the remaining breakfast and lunch. As if there was a chance you actually had any left in your system.

"Maybe you should take a test. You are having symptoms of being pregnant." Maggie gently pulled your hair back as you certainly threw up the remaining food you had left in your system.

"I have some under the sink. Will you hand them to me?" You said pulling your face from the toilet bowl.

You took four test to make sure it wasn't a false positive. You did your business and Maggie set a timer for each one.

The timer went off for the first one making a chirp sound.

You picked up the test and looked at it.



Second test read positive.


Third test read positive.


You stood there with your hand over your mouth happy that you were finally becoming a mom. Maggie hugged and congratulated you and helped you find the perfect way to tell Harry.

*Four hours later*

"Baby I'm home!" Harry yelled as he walked into the house.

"Just a sec- ugh!" You took off into the master bathroom to throw up again.

Harry heard you gagging from downstairs and ran up to the bathroom. He pulled your hair back with one hand and rubbed circles on your back with the other hand.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor. You don't look very good baby." Harry said very worried.

"I'm not sick Harry." You said faintly leaning your back against Harry's body.

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