Labor Part 1

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The past few days you have been going crazy cleaning the house and preparing for your little girl to get here

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The past few days you have been going crazy cleaning the house and preparing for your little girl to get here. "You know you've cleaned this kitchen four times today right?" Harry was leaning against the counter with a concerned look on his face. "It's dirty Harry. It needs to be cleaned for when Alexandra's arrival." You continued to scrub the stove as hard as you could.

Harry grabbed your waist and pulled you from cleaning. "Babe, I have never seen a house as clean as this one. I would definitely eat off the floors here with absolutely no worry. Everything is ready for our little girl. We just need to wait for her to decide to come and join us." He kissed your forehead and smiled at you. These little moments with Harry may not seem important to others, but in your eyes these little moments were everything and everyday they reminded you how great of a father Harry was going to be. "Harry, there's something I need to tell you." "Yes babe?" You looked down at the puddle of water that had formed at your feet. "My water broke. She's on her way now." Harry stepped back and looked at the puddle on the floor. His face went white and he just froze.

"Harry sweetie have a seat." You pulled out one of the kitchen barstools and sat Harry down. You then waddled into the nursery and grabbed your hospital bag as you turned to walk out of the room Harry ran into the room picked you up bridal style grabbing the bag along with you and ran out the front door. He opened the car door helped you get in the car before climbing into the car and starting it. "You ready?" He finally spoke with a huge smile on his face. "Let's meet our girl." You smiled back as y'all began your journey to the hospital.


"Isaiah, please come out

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"Isaiah, please come out." You moaned as you added more hot sauce on to your mac and cheese. "I really would like to meet you son and I hate spicy foods." Isaiah was supposed to be born two days ago and had not been born yet. You were exhausted and the longer your son stayed in, the more exhausted you grew. "You know you might as well you dump the bottle of hot sauce on the food at this point." Liam walked into the kitchen. He knew how exhausted you were and tired everything he could to try to help you out. "I read that spicy foods can help start labor. Little man is two days past his arrival time and I want him out." You groaned rubbing your very swollen stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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