Chapter 1

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Jonathan's POV

Another day, another hell of a living. Everytime I wake up, I wish I'd die already. There's no point anyway.

I get out of my bed and head towards the bathroom to take a quick bath and after that I put on my uniform and went downstairs. I live alone. I don't have any siblings and my parents died in a car accident when I was 11 and now I'm already 17 and in grade 12.

I grab a slice of bread and went outside. I ensure that I securely lock the door as I start walking towards my school. It's not that far anyway.

You may wonder how I still manage to live in a house even though my parents are gone. Well, I have an aunt that supports me and she's single even though she's already 42 and she always send me enough money every month so that's why I'm still here, breathing.

For my schooling, not to brag but I'm a valedictorian so I have scholarship and everything in school is free.
But there's only one thing that I hate in school.

As I step a foot in the school ground I hear whispers. Hah. As if I don't hear them saying freak, geek, weirdo, faggot, etc.
I know, I'm pale as a ghost, freckles all over my face, ugly blue eyes, messy brown hair, in addition, my body which can be compare in a woman. No muscles, no abs, just fats.
I just lower my head as I walk to my class. Then I hear screams, squeals of girls behind me. I don't have to look but I still did even though I already know who they're fangirling at. 6 expensive cars enter the school. After it was parked, there came out a group of guys. The BBS which stands for Banana Bus Squad. I find it ridiculous. Well that squad have 7 members. Tyler, David, Lui, Brock, Luke, Marcel and their leader Evan.
(A/N: David always pick up Lui with his car since Lui basically don't have a car so that's why there's only six.)

I continue walking to my class but before I enter I look back again and saw him looking at me, smiling. Wait what? I look at my back and saw no one. Hell, there's not even a single student near me! I turn around and as fast as I can enter my class-- wait, correction. OUR class. He's my seatmate in every class I have, in short, we have the same schedule. What a fate.

Oh. You may wonder who it is. Well it's none other than the leader of the squad. Yep, Evan.

After 10 mins. I saw him and two of his friends beside him which is Tyler and David as they enter the room. Here we go again...
I saw Tyler smirk and went to where I was seating.

"Hey nerd. Done sucking dicks?" He mocked. I heared all of my classmates laugh except him and David. I just lower my head and keep my mouth shut to not cause anymore ruckus.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He said still smirking which earn another laughing session. How I wish to rip off that smirk on his face...

"Tyler, that's enough." David said.
Tyler roll his eyes at him and walk away to me. I'm lucky that I only have one class with him this year and like Evan, I also have the same schedule with David. Actually I get to have one class with the BBS.
All Classes-Evan&David
First Class-Tyler
Second Class-Lui
Third Class- only Evan&David
Fourth Class-Marcel
Fifth Class-Brock
Sixth Class-Luke

"Alright Mr. Nice Guy." He said sarcastically. David just gave him a glare and went to his own seat which is behind me. Evan and Tyler did the same. My seat is in the left corner of the room in third row next to the window and Evan is always at my right side.
I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn to look behind and saw David smiling at me.

"Sorry about Tyler." He said apologizing for his friend. I smile and shake my head.

"It's okay. I'm used to it." I said. I'm glad David is not like the others who bully me. Whenever one of his "friend" try to bully me, he's there to stop them. As I turn around, our professor came just in time for everyone to be on their respective seats and the class begin. I felt someone staring at me the whole class but I ignore it and just listen to our professor.

It's lunch time and I'm finally going to see my friends and eat with them. As I made my way to the cafeteria, I bumped into someone.

"S-sorry." I said and trying not to make an eye contact.
"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm not looking on my way." Said the person I bump into. Wait, I recognize that voice. I look up and my guess was right.

He's a lot more taller than me so I have to look up. I stare into his deep brown eyes which is also staring back at me. Not breaking the contact until I realize that I should see my friends already.

"W-well, I should get going. Sorry again." I said and scurried out of that place. Man, if anyone saw that I'm sure dead and especially if with him.

When I reach the cafeteria, I search for a guy wearing thick glasses and also usually wearing a gray bunny hoodie and reading a book and another guy that have a black hair, wearing a black jacket and also reading a book. And I'm not mistaken. There they were in the most corner part of the cafeteria seating silently and waiting for my arrival. I smile and went to their table.

"Hi guys!" I happily greeted them.

"Yo." Brian said not taking his eyes off the book.

"Hi Jon. How's your day?" Ryan or sometimes I call him Ohm said putting down his book and looking at me.

"Like always. Bullying here. Bullying there. Nothing change." I boringly said.

"Hmm. Maybe one day it will change." He said as the three of us take out our lunch.

"Hah. I wish." I said and we all start eating our lunch.

I met Brian and Ryan 2 years ago when they first transfer here and I'm the one who was task to show them around and we became close to each other until we became friends. Ryan is a happy person and the most energetic in the three of us while Brian is the opposite of Ryan which never show any expression except to the two of us and always keeping his mouth shut. The three of us always stay together and sometimes hanging out.

While eating, another screams and squeals are heared all over the cafeteria. Everyone left their table and went to the entrance of the cafeteria. There it was again the BBS. Smiling and waving to their so-called "fans". I don't know what do people see in them. Yes, they're handsome. An athlete. But their personality didn't match their good looks. They bully people like me who is defenseless and weak. Well, I guess that's what they call a "reputation".

They know that if I stay here longer I will get myself into some shit. So we eat our lunch as fast as we could but to no luck of mine, I'm slow as a fucking turtle so yeah. Ryan and Brian are already finish and just waiting for me to be done.
I saw both of their eyes widened and look at a certain direction and I already knew what would happen as I spot Marcel walking towards our table holding a cup of juice. He then act like tripping to his own feet and eventually the juice was spilled on my whole face. I heared him fakely gasped.

"I'm sooooo sorry." He said sarcastically. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed and making side comments. I glance on my only two friends who both have sadness in their eyes as they look at me. I gave them a quick smile as I immediately went out the cafeteria holding back my tears that are threatening to fall.

I guess now you know what I hate in school.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment and I'll answer it. :) Sorry for any mistakes and grammars. This is my first time publishing a story.

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