Politics as Usual

Start from the beginning

"That's bizarre," said Vwashijklam.

"Just be glad I don't particularly mind being stabbed."

"You are surprisingly resilient."

"You really shouldn't stab people," said Klevromar. "It's a bad habit, and you should get out of it."

"I'm trying."

"She does this often?" asked Nathan.

"All the time," Klevromar replied.

"Well, it is very rude to stab people," said Nathan.

"Your existence is rude, so I'd say we're even," said Vwashijklam.

"No, I want you to apologize."

"Fine. I'm sorry you're so arrogant, ignorant, and inconsiderate."

"There," said Klevromar. "She apologized. Now, could you please stop fighting so we can get to work?"

"Very well then," said Nathan.

"I took your advice and decided not to renew my contract with Seraphim," said Klevromar. "I regret that I could not terminate our business sooner, but I did what had to be done. Stopping the expansion of the Empire, improving the general welfare, and ending legalized persecution of the Ajatpra had to be done. And for a time, cooperating with Seraphim had to be done. We will continue our business as it has been until the contract expires, but no longer."

After the meeting concluded, Klevromar and Vwashijklam left, while Nathan had yet another meeting scheduled. Reginald was a man of rather short stature, but still taller than Nathan, with pale skin, green hair, and red eyes, wearing a white formal suit. He was nine Martian years, or roughly seventeen Earth years, old, by far the youngest person to lead the Martian Communist Party. Reginald was a generally easygoing person on his own time, but he took any sort of work very seriously.

"I finished writing up a draft of the proposal," said Reginald. "I'd like you to look it over before we submit it."

"I am eager to take a look," said Nathan.

"Wonderful." He handed a 1728-page bound volume to Nathan.

"On second thought, could you maybe just give me a summary?"

"I suppose so. However, that means overlooking the minute details I really think will be the key to getting it passed."

"I'll read through it eventually. We'll probably have a few years before it finally comes up for discussion and a vote. If there are any things about it I think may need to be changed, they can be brought up at that time."

"Fair enough," said Reginald. "Basically, the plan would lift the trade and travel ban, although some restrictions may remain in place at the discretion of the General Assembly until such a time as diplomatic relations can be fully normalized."

"I already knew that part, that's been the basic plan from the beginning."

"You wanted the short version, and I'm giving it to you. Please allow me to continue."

"Very well then."

"Of course, we then have the issue of normalizing relations. To put things simply, a special envoy representing the Confederation would be sent to Earth to meet with the various national leaders and hopefully negotiate peaceful relations. Additionally, while it would not necessarily be required, the envoy may be accompanied by representatives of any worlds that wish to open up diplomatic relations. Furthermore, if such a time comes that a body which officially represents the whole of Earth may request admission to the Confederation, this proposal will pre-authorize formal consideration and allow a vote to be called to order in a timely manner."

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