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I rest myself on the empty firm bed. Without notice, the scent of 'him' surrounded me, filling into my nostrils. My body slightly jolted as a lump formed in my throat.

Tears of desolation cascaded down my cheeks as I got reminded of him. I shifted my head to my left to only to seek out my violin resting on the floor. I pondered about the time we basked in the blinding glint of the sun, smiling; laughing as we always would.

I can faintly envision him running his fingers through my loose locks and engulfing me into his tight embrace. The melody of his heartbeat. His scent wrapping around me suffocatingly. I remember the way his rough hands would skim along the strings of his cello. His veins starting to show as his face contoured in different emotions; feeling the music deeply. Sweat beading at his forehead as he pushed and pulled his bow, echoing soothing melodies to my ears.

My lips trembled as I felt more hot tears creep up my eyes, blurring my vision. As more tears came, more memories of him flooded through my head. It's all coming out, like a waterfall.

Authors note; hmm..i've been stuck and dont know what to write next so i'll just post this for now and continue to try and write. I hope you liked this trashy chapter! It'll get better I swear!!
I just dont know how to really start this. I'll figure it out eventually !

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