Just holding hands with Scorpius did crazy things to my body and I could feel myself starting to flush red. I looked away, embarrassed that my body so easily betrayed me, exposing the strange feelings that flowed throughout me. Feelings that I couldn't even begin to identify for fear of them hurting the precarious friendship that seemingly rested on the edge of a cliff, one small push from destroying everything.

We swayed side to side, barely moving our feet. The gentle breeze swayed as well, almost as if it were trying to dance with us, a third wheel in a simple dance between two people.

Scorpius shot a crooked smile my way, not knowing the hazardous effects that smile had on me. "See? This isn't so bad."

I dared to look at him, hoping that this time I wouldn't turn a horrifying shade of crimson. "Don't take this the wrong way, but without music this just feels weird." It was partially true. Without music I found myself focusing on everything but Scorpius, acutely aware of how close we were to each other. At least with music, I would have something to distract myself with.

"You're so demanding, Weasley."

"Only because it annoys you." I joked, but still he removed his hand from my grasp and took out his wand from his back pocket.

My hand felt empty without his holding it and I seriously debated snatching his hand back, but I thought better of it. Scorpius pointed the wand at a muggle CD player that I hadn't noticed had been near us the entire time. With a whispered spell, the machine sputtered to a start and the first notes in a gentle melody came out.

"A bit somber, isn't it?" The song wasn't sad, but it wasn't exactly the happiest song I had ever heard. It was honest and raw; I could see why Scorpius would choose it.

"I think it's beautiful." He announced, but he was staring right at me, seemingly peering into my soul. My face turned a startling shade of red and I looked away from his piercing stare. For some reason, I got the impression that he wasn't just talking about the song.

Scorpius took hold of my hand again, and I was astonished to realize just how much I had missed it. "I'll lead and you follow."

I raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "What if I want to lead?"

"That's not how it works."

"Maybe it should." Almost as soon as I said that, he spun me around so suddenly that I'm sure that I would have fallen had he not had a firm hold on my hand. My eyes widened as he then dipped me low, an infuriating smirk on his face.

Speechless, with my heart still thumping loudly in my chest from the shock, I barely managed to stutter out, "Lead the way."

Scorpius lead, his footsteps sure and precise. Unlike mine, which were uncertain and clumsy at best. I found myself staring at my feet to try to get a better hang of the dancing. Scorpius noticed and nudged me so I would look at him and away from my fumbling feet.

Once I had somewhat mastered the simple act of following his footsteps, he took it further. He spun me in a circle, but this time I was prepared and I actually enjoyed it. A gleeful smile spread across my face, as he spun me around and around.

I looked up at Scorpius' eyes. Dancing with him was different than anything I'd ever experienced. It felt intimate, like we were wallowing in a secret that only the two of us knew. A secret that only the two of us shared. Judging from his eyes that were furrowed as if he were trying to solve a difficult problem, I knew that he felt it too.

A Rose in a Million • Rose Weasley Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt