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So far it was a normal day in Mama. Everyone was eating stupid plants and talking in the large room near the fire. For me, I stared out the window of my room. Watching the birds fly and sing. I hated that I still thought about everything will be my fault even though Kayla didn't mean it. It was my fault we are runaway children in the first place. It's my fault we moved to a different state to escape our families and leave our loved ones. I knew it wasn't safe for the four of us to stay with our families. One of our powers might've slipped out and have been taken away.

I don't understand how humans can't accept what's different from them. Their always scared of "new" things. I continued to watch at the flying and singing birds. My eyes caught a movement in the trees. What is that moving? Suddenly a child popped out. A little boy licking on an ice cream cone. He seemed about 12, he was wearing a blue hat, he was on his phone, tapping furiously at it. I saw him shift his gaze at Mama. He spat in disgust. His disrespect made me angry.

I slowly walked out of my room, pissed at this twat child. I walked downstairs. I then slowly walked out Mama, facing in front of the child's direction. My curly hair waved in the slight wind. I stood straight. I stared straight through his eyes. I sensed his fear. I know he wasn't trying to show it. I guess my appearance wasn't so great but who cares.

"Who are you?" The child snapped.

"...Who are you too spit on my home?" -Me

"This is where live? Looks like a complete dump" -Child

"I recommend you turn around and walk away this instant" -Me

"Or what? Huh? You gonna kidnap me and chain be down in your basement? You freak" -Child

Behind him I saw another "human". His mom. She looked like a sweet lady. To bad her corpse will be sour. "Jase! Come on sweety! Daddy has dinner ready for us at home!" I heard his mom call out. She looked at me for a second. She looked worried and slowly started walking to her son "Jase". I shot my Eye out to the woman's forehead, freezing her in place. I placed my mouth next to the child's ear and whispered; "Call me a freak? I'll show you a freak". I placed my hand on his shoulder. Now he was too scared to move away from me.

I tighten my grip as I swung my Eye around the women's neck and pulled her head off. Blood spitting everywhere as the women's body dropped dead onto the ground. The child screamed in terror. "You're next" I said to the child. I faced him towards me. With anger boiling up inside me I wanted to torture him. Make him more sorry the he already is. I wrapped my Eye around the child's legs and pulled them off. Next, I slowly pulled his fingers off. I sliced his ears off next.

I backed away to push his body onto the ground.  He was screaming in pain as his "body" squealed. Something inside me sparked. It felt so good to kill people. To watch them suffer. I placed my foot on his face and looked down at him. I slowly said to him; "...I'll let you bleed out until you die...if you can hear me".  He started crying. His mouth was foaming up. He was dying faster than I thought. What a shame.

I sat on top of him. Looking into his eyes through his soul. I held up my pointer fingers in front of his eyes and said; "Since you have no fingers nor strength to stop me, I guess I'll poke your eyes out for you". I slowly dug my fingers into his eye sockets. Making sure to pierce through his eyeballs. More screaming came from his mouth. I stood up. Standing over him. I watched the life slowly leak out of his deformed body. I suddenly heard pounding from my bedroom window.

I turned around to see Petra pounding at the glass. She was crying and screaming. I'm guessing she's been watching everything I had just done. She's really upset this time. But somehow I didn't care. I turned back to stare at the child's deformed body. Seconds later, Petra came busting out the door, legs wide, arms stretched with a furious face. The thought of  killing my own kind lingered in my head.

"You tortured that poor child" Petra screamed.

"No one calls me a freak" I said calmly.

"You don't look like one but you sure act like one!" She screamed as she came running towards me. I saw Lindsey run after Petra until Kayla grabbed her and said "Let them fight their own battle"

"I'll kill you!" Petra screamed louder.

"You can't kill me even if you tried, I'm stronger then you are" I said as I grabbed her body with my Eye and shot her body through the air. She hit a tree hard enough to make the tree almost break and all over.

"Leah no! Don't kill Petra! She's just a child!" Screamed Lindsey as she tried getting away from Kayla. Petra better be lucky I won't hurt her as bad as I did to that other child. Petra stumbled up and shot her Eye at me. Sending me flying backwards. But not as far as I sent her. I quickly flipped back up with my fists clenched.

"If it's a battle you're looking for, it's a battle you'll get!" I shouted as I threw my Eye at her face, making her body flip backwards. I punched rapidly at her face with my Eye until I heard her nose snap. Lindsey cried louder in the background. I walked over to her. She didn't move, she only laid there trying to catch a breath.

"Are you done?" I asked, looking down at her.

"No...but are you?!" Petra screamed as her Eye grabbed a wooden thick stick and pierced it through my shoulder. Knocking me down and stumbling backwards. I started to bleed.

"Is that the best you can do Petra? If so, I'll show you what I can do" I said, softly. I struck my Eye at her legs and ripped her legs off. Her body fell backwards. Lindsey screamed and managed to escape Kayla before I did any more damage to Petra. But it was too late. Before Lindsey could step foot away from Kayla I had already ripped Petra's arms off. Petra was left with just a body that was bleeding. I wrapped my Eye around her body and threw her so far away I couldn't locate her.  I watched her life-less body fly away.

The next thing I know Lindsey tackled me down as hard as she could. She sat on top of me, ready to also break my nose with her fists, but before she could take a swing, I pounded her jaw with my harder fist, sending her flying backwards and hitting Mama. Lindsey didn't get up. She didn't even budge.

"You're not a fight for me" I said.

"No but I am!" Kayla shouted as she punched me in the gut with her Eye. Sending me backwards, hitting a tree hard. I tasted the blood in my mouth. Tasty. I don't look forward to hurt my lover. But if that's the way she wants to be so be it. Lindsey slowly stood up, holding her shoulder as she stumbled behind Kayla. Apparently I had broken Lindsey' shoulder. If she keeps trying to fight me, that's not the only broken bone she'll get.

"What you did to Petra will never be forgiven! I'll never forgive you! I'll always hate you!" Lindsey screamed. The thick stick Petra had put in my shoulder made it hard to move. I couldn't fight with this thing in my flesh. Lindsey and Kayla looked at each other and nodded. I couldn't see properly as for, my vision was losing. Feeling weak, I grabbed the stick, trying as hard as I can to pull it out.

"I'd say I'm sorry but I'm for what you did to one of our kind, that was one of our rules Leah...You killed Petra...PETRA!...How dare you...How dare you?! I thought you were a different person, all you want to see is humans suffer, Petra wasn't a human! If anything you're farther than us!" Kayla yelled in such rage she grabbed my weaken body and sent me flying.

The last thing I was seeing was the black sky looking down at me. Bright stars. I saw lights beneath me. I felt my hair cover my face. I can't move my limbs. I felt like I had wings that I didn't work. All of a sudden I hit something hard. It hurt like fucking hell but I couldn't talk or move. My eyes shut. The last thing I heard was humans being startled, gasping. I hear cars stop to a halt. I hit rock bottom. 

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