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Waking up to Lindsey on top of me with her hands around my neck wasn't the best wake up call. Her grip around my neck tighten every second. I bent in my knees and then kicked Lindsey off of me, sending her flying across my room.

"You killed those people!" Lindsey shouted

"I had to! Either they were going to come inside and hurt you guys or one of them was going to tell someone and have us taken away! You think I WANTED to kill them?!" I shouted back. Lindsey realized what I did was the right thing to do. We both sat on the floor next to each other in my room.

All of a sudden we heard heavy footstep coming through the walls. Until Kayla and Petra busted in and fell on top of each other.

"What is it with you guys in busting in my room?" I asked. They both looked out of breath and scared.

"p-p-p-p" Petra tried to say something.

"p-p-p-p what? Pigs?" I asked.

"Police!" Kayla said, worried.  I thought to myself. The only reason the police would be here is because they notice 3 men went missing last night, and then they found the body parts outside the door. I quickly started thinking on what to do. I turned to the 3 of them.

"Hide" I told them.

"What? Hide? You're gonna face the cops by yourself?" Lindsey asked.

"What else am I supposed to do?" -Me

"You're gonna kill them too aren't you?" -Lindsey

"Why not just hide until they leave?" -Kayla

"Because they will notice someone has been living here" -Me

"I'm coming with you" -Lindsey

"Do you even know how to kill Lindsey?" -Me

"No but you can teach me, anything to protect us and Mama" -Lindsey

Petra and Kayla hid under the sink in my bathroom. Me and Lindsey stepped out of my room and waited for the police men to walk up the stairs.

"You know that eye shaped invisible worm that comes out from your for head?" I whispered to Lindsey

"Yeah" -Lindsey

"Make it come out and slice right through the men with it" -Me

"Okay, you kill one and I kill one" -Lindsey

I nodded in agreement. We both carefully listened to the police men as they entered Mama. I could hear what they're saying through their radios. I let my eye come out. Only other people can't see it, only us 4 can see each other's. Although we didn't know what it was. I controlled my eye to look downstairs to find out how many police were actually there. I saw that there was 5.

"Lindsey, there's five police men, loaded with guns" I said

"How do you know there's five with loaded guns?" she asked

"I can see through the eye, I just learned how to do it, but two of them are coming up the stairs" -Me

I could Lindsey wasn't fully prepared to kill someone. Hopefully my eye could shield against bullets. I turned to her and mouthed "now". Then two officers walk up to see us standing in the middle of the hallway.

"What are you girl-" One officer said before I ripped his jaw off and pulled his head clean off and threw it down the stairs. I saw Lindsey's eye just pierce right through the other officer. Completely missing the heart but still killed him. Their bodies both dropped dead on the floor, making a loud thud. The other officers rushed upstairs to find more dead bodies. Lindsey was still learning how to kill with her eye. One officer grabbed his taser gun and shot Lindsey with it in the chest. I sliced that officer's head off and ran to Lindsey, pulling the tacks out of her skin. 

While I was taking the tacks out of Lindsey a officer shot her taser at me in the back. I couldn't move or send out my eye since I was in pain. The shocks from the taser gun felt like hell. All of a sudden I see blood explode right before my eyes. Kayla. She came to help us. I watched her sliced the last officer right in half. Petra pulled the taser tacks out of us. Even with the taser stopping, I still hurt so bad. I leaned over my side and groaned. I could tell Lindsey was still in pain as much as I am at the moment.

I managed to stand up. I let Lindsey lay on the floor with the blood seeping through the wooden floors. I stood over one of the bodies and kicked it. Hard. Stupid humans, don't they know better? I could hear Petra crying scared. Lindsey crawled to Petra. Me and Kayla cleaned up the bodies and the bloody mess. So much blood everywhere. I had to scrape the walls and mopped the floor. Kayla toke care of the bodies, she  dragged them to a dumpster far away and threw them in there.

After that madness. The four of us gathered around in the large room with another fire going. Kayla was picking her nails. Lindsey was scratching her head. Petra was eating green berries. I noticed the berries smelled funny. Then I realized they were poisonous. I reached out and slapped them out of her hand. The look on her face showed that she wasn't expecting that one coming.   Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"But why Leah?" Asked Petra.

"You only eat the purple ones, the green ones will make you sick" I replied. A weird look came across her face.

"I'm gonna go cook that dead bob cat" I said while getting up. I walked back into the large room with the dead cat in my arms. The rest of three flinched at the dead animal as I started skinning it.

"How can you sleep at night knowing you skinned an animal? Like, do you even feel bad that you killed it?" Asked Lindsey.

"Of course I feel bad that I killed it. I always thank the animal for it's meat before I kill it. Do you think I disrespect the animal or something?" -Me

"Oh...I never thought of it that way" -Lindsey

"Yeah, so instead of eating dangerous plants, meat is better and healthier" -Me

"Yeah but what if the animal has some type of bacteria or germs?" Kayla asked.

"It's more clean then plants when it's fully cooked. The germs/bacteria die from the heat" -Me

"Oh" -Kayla and -Lindsey

I then gently laid the fur behind me, I then started carefully cut the meat into chunk size pieces. I heard Petra's stomach growl. After 20 minutes of some of the meat hanging over the fire, I turned to Petra.

"You're hungry aren't you?" I asked her.

"Yes, but if you think you're gonna make me eat that meat you can kiss my ass!" Petra snapped at me. I frowned. Irritated I snatched a piece of meat and ran after her.

"NOOOOO! GO AWAY LEAH! NO NO NO!" Petra screamed. I caught up to her and jumped on her, making her trip over herself. I sat on top of her and forced her mouth open.

"Just take a bite! You won't be hungry anymore!" I shouted at her.

Kayla and Lindsey were laughing while watching me trying to get Petra to try a piece of meat. After 10 minutes of trying to put the meat in her mouth it finally went in. I made her chew it. She suddenly had the expression that she LOVED it. She sat up straight and asked for more meat. I gave her more. She ate at least half of the bobcat. I'm kinda glad she realized meat wasn't as bad as she thought it was.

After that. We talked and told stories to each other for the rest of the night. We all huddled on top of each other and fell asleep that night next to the fire.

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