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Request for jswizzle-
Kaela: Wassup bitches 😜
Sammy: Hey girl
Swazz: Hey sexy 😍
Sk8: Damn Swazz gettin' his flirt on
Johnson: Haha I think Swazz and Kaela would be good together.
Gilinsky: Yea... we already know they both like each other.
Kaela: Omg guys shut up 😂 and hi  Swazz ☺️
Sammy: Lmao 😂 y'all should be   together ❤️
Swazz: You think? Cuz I've been thinkin'...
Sk8: Hmmm Swazz finally admits it lol
Johnson: lol never thought I'd want Kaela to be with anyone
Gilinsky: Now the real question is... when will Kaela admit it?
Kaela: ☺️☺️☺️ guys 😩
Sammy: Just ask her bro
Swazz: Kaela will you please be my girlfriend
Sk8: Finally!
Johnson: Kaela what you say?
Gilinsky: Go Swazz!!
Kaela: Of course! I'd love to... been waitin' hella long for you to ask 🖤
Sammy: Yay! My number one favorite couple!!!
Swazz: Ok then beautiful.. let me take you on a date?
Kaela: Ok babes 🖤.. I'm down 😘
Sk8: Yay! Ok now what are we gonna name the kids?
Johnson: Oh! Yes I'm thinking Jack???
Gilinsky: Ohhh!!! Yes! I love that name! 😆
Kaela: Umm 😆 I don't think we're quite ready for that 😂😂
Swazz: Soon tho 😉 we can try and try and try and try
Kaela: 😉

Hope you like it ❤️
It's not good but I tried lol 😆

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