Under New Leadership

Start from the beginning

"I support this, at least for now," said Alexei.

Xyero nodded in agreement. "Wonderful," he declared. "It's settled. Reinaldo, you are now the new Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

"Wow," Reinaldo said, not fully comprehending what that assemblage of words even meant.

Norabel beamed with pride. "Excellent," she declared. "Of course, he may require assistance."

"I would very much like Norabel to help me," Reinaldo admitted, his gaze softening as he looked to Norabel.

"Then she can be your First Deputy Premier," Xyero proclaimed. "This new government is coming along quite nicely."

"Isn't there supposed to be a democratic process?" asked Reginald.

"Probably," Xyero conceded nonchalantly. "Once everything is restructured and we have all the important positions filled with the right people, we can hold a vote retroactively as a formality."

Reginald balked at the suggestion. "That sounds entirely improper," he protested, his disapproval evident.

"It's how I handled things, and everything ran smoothly," Mikhail managed to interject before Igor gagged him and beat him repeatedly.

Xyero quickly redirected the conversation to Reinaldo. "Let us take you to your new office," he suggested. "Or rather, Reginald and Hadassah can take you there. I assume they are familiar with the building's layout."

"We know our way around," Reginald confirmed.

"Excellent," Xyero remarked. "We have some unfinished business here with Mikhail, but I'll join you shortly."

Reginald and Hadassah took Reinaldo and Norabel to the Premier's office. It was, like the rest of the palace, in horrible disarray. Xyero joined them soon after.

"Good news," Xyero announced. "I am now the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Mikhail Smirnov has graciously agreed to reduce his own authority within the Party and requested to wear a shock collar to be managed at the discretion of his close friend, Igor."

Reinaldo, ever the optimist, greeted the news with a hopeful outlook. "That was very nice of him. I am glad that we can all work together to make things better."

Reginald, on the other hand, couldn't help but express his skepticism. "How convenient," he muttered.

"Indeed," Xyero acknowledged, his tone betraying a hint of amusement. "Also, Reginald, the Central Committee wishes for you to serve as Administrator of Affairs and Secretary to the Premier."

Reginald bristled at the suggestion. "I am the Acting Governor of Earth. Not a babysitter," he protested.

Xyero, ever the diplomat, presented his perspective. "As Acting Governor, wouldn't you agree that maintaining order falls under your purview?"

Reluctantly, Reginald conceded, "I suppose it does."

"Splendid," Xyero declared, turning his attention to Hadassah. "And Hadassah, the Central Committee wants you to be Procurator General."

Hadassah, bemused and somewhat puzzled, responded candidly. "I have no idea what that even means."

Xyero, with a hint of amusement, reassured her. "Good. You don't need to."

"This building may require some maintenance," Reinaldo observed. "I do hope that it can be cleaned up in a timely manner."

"I'll get right on that," Xyero said, promptly leaving.

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