Twenty Three.

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(A/N) Okay I did not think you guys would reach the goal so quickly! I was so glad to see that you did though! :) Love you all!

It was a bit uncomfortable, sitting here at this dingy and beaten down cafe with two lovers who had difficulty keeping their hands off each other. I knew meeting up with Harry was going to be a bad idea, but of course Aria was basically my sister and I would do anything for her. Even if it meant me sitting here watching them stare dreamily at each other. It was cute at first, but now it had gotten to the point where I feel like taking them each by their necks and ripping them away from one another.

I sighed in frustration, twitching slightly in my creaky wooden chair. 

This place wasn't exactly my cup of tea. If I were to go to a cafe it was usually the nice one near my home that sells fabulous pastries that are freshly made each morning and tea that is shipped in from Great Britain. It was the complete opposite of this grimy little cafe Harry brought us down to. It wasn't clean, and I immediatley told myself the moment I stepped in here that I would not eat anything that was made in here. Who knows what you'll find when you begin chewing.

Okay, I know I sound like a snob, but when it comes to my food I hold a high standard as to where it is to come from. Those items were to go into my body so of course I was cautious about how and where they're prepared.

"These are quite lovely," Aria commented as she nibbled on a large muffin.

Harry watched the side of her face, his arm casually laying over her small shoulders.

"Told ya didn't I?" he spoke to her with a small smile gracing his features.

Aria giggled, a giggle that told me she loved his attention. A giggle that reminded me of mine when around Zayn.

The thought of Zayn caused my stomach to stir slightly. 

He was upset with me and the fact that we didn't have a proper goodbye was really starting to bother me.

"Eliza, would you like a piece?" Aria asked me, pushing the half eaten muffin towards me.

I quickly shook my head, suddenly harassed with thoughts of what dead bugs or pieces of hair may be in the baked good.

Aria frowned, clearly sensing my unease.

"You alright?" she asked quietly.

I nodded, giving her a tight smile as my body stay tense.

"The sweets they got here are fantastic. I reckon you try somethin'." Harry commented, his british accent thick.

I shook my head in response, "No I'm good thanks." 

"Eliza are you sure you're alright?" Aria asked, the both of them staring me down carefully.

I clasped my hands together in my lap, "Yes Aria, I'm fine. Really." I assured, too nice to tell her the truth. I wanted to leave, i really did. But I knew she really wanted to spend time with Harry so I guess i'd have to deal with sitting in this dust covered building.

"So, Elizabeth, Aria has told me about you and the Payne boy." Harry began with a cheeky smirk, clearly amused about the situation.

I simply nodded, glancing over at Aria who gave me a coy smile.

"What exactly did she tell you?" I asked, the tone of my voice giving away my annoyance.

Liam was honestly the last thing on my mind right now.

Harry sucked some air through his teeth as he looked away in thought. 

"Well," he paused squinting his eyes dramatically, obviously teasing me. "I know that a lot of people want you two to get married."

I rolled my eyes, beginning to lose my manners as I leaned forward and placed my elbows on the table.

"Can we not discuss that." I muttered, shifting my eyes towards the window. 

"Heard he's a rich boy, gets what wants." Harry stated, the words seeming to have a deeper meaning.

I looked up at the green eyed boy, feeling a bit angered by his blunt statements.

"Yeah well when your parents are rich I guess you normally do get what you want." I snapped knowingly.

"Eliza," Aria warned.

"Question is, will he get you?" Harry asked with a smirk.

Obviously Harry was one of those people who liked to test other's patience. I didn't like that. I didn't like that at all.

Fueled by my sudden  anger, I slammed my palms onto the table and stood up.

"I'm not marrying him! So please just shut up!" I hollered, glaring down at him as he casually peered up at me as if nothing was wrong.

I didn't want to speak about Liam and I getting married. I was sick of hearing about it and people needed to realize that! I was coming close to my breaking point and people just continued to push me towards it.

"Eliza calm down!" Aria stood, attempting to place her hands on my arms.

"No!" I snapped, yanking away from her. "I'm going home." 

Grabbing my purse, I walked away from the small table, ignoring all the curious glances I got from other customers. At the moment I didn't care about the stares, all I cared about was getting out of this shop and going home. 

It was strange, having this rush of anger run through me. Normally I was pretty calm and easy going about everything. Not once had I ever made such a scene like I did just now.

My mother would have smacked me hard if she had just seen my behavior.

With new found confidence, I walked out with my head held high, suddenly not afraid to face my mother at home.

(A/N) Hope you guys liked it!

So, anyone out there on Liam's side or is everyone on Zayn's? 

Do you guys like Harry? I'm trying to make him annyoing in a way.

Talk to me guys! Quit being silent readers!

Love you all! Here's the vote goal:

Current amount of votes: 975

Goal: 1,085

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