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"You should just tell your mother that you'd much rather have someone else do it. I mean honestly, that's a bit much if you ask me." Aria commented, as we lay sunbathing by the edge of my pool.
I sighed, laying my arm across my eyes since I didn't have sunglasses, "I'm perfectly fine with doing it. I just wish I had more time." I said, still stressing about this party this weekend. We had two days left, and in those two days we needed to have the outside looking fantastic.
So far it's all been good. Everyone listens and cooperates so things move quickly.
Aria mumbled something about me being a 'people pleaser' but I ignored her playful jab.
"Do you want more lemonade?" I asked, as I looked at my now empty cup.

Aria turned to me, her sunglasses covering her eyes, "Don't you have a maid for that?" she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah, but I'm perfectly capable of getting my own drink." I defended. I don't know why, but I felt the need to do things for myself instead of having someone of lower status do it for me. Maybe my views were changing without reason. I dont know, but i have two legs so why not use them?
Aria rolled her eyes this time, before handing me her empty cup. 
"I'll be back." I said before standing up and walking to the small pool house where we had a refrigerator filled with food and drinks.

I shuffled over to it, opening it and peering at it's contents. I grabbed the pitcher of freshly made lemonade, turning around quickly.
I gasped in surprise, nearly dropping the pitcher as I watched Zayn exit the small bathroom.
He heard my gasp and immediately looked up. His eyes widened, seeming just as surprised to see me as I was he. 
I didn't think anyone used this bathroom.
"Gosh, you scared me." I said, chuckling as I placed the pitcher safely on the counter top.
Zayn's eyes weren't focused on my face, instead they were looking down at my bathing suit. 
He quickly looked away, trying not to get caught, but unfortunately for him I caught him staring. My cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Why didn't I bring my towel!? I mentally scolded myself.
Zayn cleared his throat, his eyes downcast, and his cheeks pink. "I-uh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have barged out of there like that." he apologized nervously. 
I watched him carefully as he stood there staring at his own two feet.  I felt my lips twitch upwards into a small grin. I couldn't help but mentally tell myself just how precious he looked at the moment. 
I quickly shook the thought away, "It's fine. I'm just surprised anyone actually uses that bathroom." I stated, pouring some lemonade into my cup.

In the corner of my eye I saw him look up at me.
"Yeah, I'd much rather use this bathroom than have to disrupt you or your family by using the one inside of your home." he said politely. 
I placed the pitcher down after filling both glasses and simply stared at them.
I slowly turned to him, to see his face was impassive.
I admired how considerate and polite this boy was. It was something not many boys his age withheld.
"Well, thank you for being so considerate." I said gratefully, giving him a warm smile.
His eyes brightened as a small smile graced his pink lips.
He ran a hand through his hair, clearing his throat again, "Uh, you ready for work later?" he asked, peering up at me curiously.
I scoffed humorously, as I realized we had to work on the outside of venue later this afternoon.
"Yes, I guess I am." I said tiredly, as I leaned on the counter with one arm.
Zayn looked a little stunned by my new position, his eyes shooting quickly towards my body before quickly looking away. He again, found interest on his feet.
I blushed again, ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach.
"It's going well, and I know that once we finish, it will look absolutely beautiful." he said knowingly. 
I laughed, not believing his words, "Yeah I doubt that....I mean my designing skills aren't as great as I thought they were." I said, looking down at my fingers.
It was quiet for a moment before I felt his presence closer than it had been a moment ago.
I looked up to see him standing in front of me, an arms length away.
My heart skipped a beat as I scanned his striking features that just seemed to get better and better each time I see him. 

His honey brown eyes stared down at me with such gentleness that I momentarily felt comforted by just looking at him.

"I think you are doing a wonderful job for someone who's never done something like this before." he complimented, looking at me with a serious expression.
I stared at him for a moment, the weird feeling in my stomach coming back.
"Thank you.." I breathed, my heart rate suddenly sky rocketing.
He gave me a small nod while biting his bottom lip. He then stepped back and walked out of the pool house slowly. My eyes trailed after him, and right before he exited out the door, he turned back to me.
I flushed, embarrassed I had been caught watching him.
We stared at each other for a moment, before he turned and continued on his way.

I exhaled, not realizing I had been holding my breath.

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