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*Short update*

Zayn's POV


I jumped in surprise, my eyes shifting over to my ten year old sister who stood in front of me with wide blue eyes.

"Yes baby?" I asked, holding my hands out as a gesture for her to come forward.

She grinned, always pleased when I gave her attention. Jumping into my arms and setting herself on my lap, she turned towards me.

"Why are you staring at the wall?" she asked curiously while cocking her head to the side.

I smiled slightly at her before looking back at my bedroom wall, my head leaning back against my headboard again.

"Just thinking," I murmured as flashes of a beautiful brunette came to mind.

"What about?" Safaa questioned, blue eyes gazing at me in great interest.

I sighed, "A flower," 

She frowned, clearly confused by my silly answer. But then again was it truly a silly answer? Who is to say a beautiful human being can't be compared to something as perfect and lovely as a flower?

"What? A flower? Why?" 

"Saf, you ask too many questions." I stated with a small smirk as I peered down at my little sister.

Too curious for a ten year old. That's for sure.

She poked me in the chest before trailing up towards my neckline and grabbing the chain that I wore.

"Mommy said to come get you for dinner." she said softly, clearly upset that I hadn't answered all her questions.

As usual the feeling of guilt filled my stomach as I peered down at her. I'd always have a soft spot for my sisters, especially Saf. No matter what, she could always make me feel guilty, ashamed, or regretful.

"Well come on then, wouldn't want it to get cold now would we?" I said as I lifted myself up with her cradled in my arms like a baby.

She giggled, making me feel a bit better about ignoring her questions.

"Smells delicious," I commented as we entered the kitchen to see my mother walking back and forth as she brought food to the table that barely fit all six of us.

My mother turned and gave me a warm smile, "Thanks sweetie, hopefully it tastes as good as it smells!"

"I'm sure it will," I assured as I sat Safaa down into her seat.

"Quit sweet talking mother Zayn." Waliyha muttered from beside me when I sat down.

I smirked, "Why? Cause when I do I actually get something out of it, unlike you?" I teased just to annoy her.

She glared at me from the corner of her eye, "That's not true," she argued quickly.

No matter what, Waliyha and I had always butt heads. We always argued and fought, always at each others throats all the time. My only reasoning as to why we always fight would probably be because of how close in age we are.

"Yeah it is." I muttered back immaturely as my mother and father both began to approach the table.

She groaned in annoyance, sitting up straight as my father sat down at the head of the table, my mother next to him.

Doniya trailed in a moment later, eyes trained on the meal my mother fixed up.

"Looks fantastic mother," she complimented as she sat down across from me.

"Doesn't it always?" my father said as he gave a sweet smile to my mother.

My mother gave a toothless smile as she cocked her head at him.

All us children quickly turned away as they both leaned forward and pecked lips.

It doesn't matter how old I am, I will always find it uncomfortable when my parents show affection towards one another. Which unfortunately just so happens to happen a lot in this household.


"Son," my father's voice called.

I looked away from the window I had been staring out of. All night I had been losing focus and staring at objects for many minutes. Each time my mind would wander to Elizabeth. Wondering how her dinner was going. What they were discussing. And the most nauseating thing, what Liam was doing and saying to her.

It was strange to feel that burning pit of jealousy in my stomach because I had never felt it before. Now that I do though, I don't like it. It's an emotion that takes over my mind and fills it with bad thoughts.


I looked at my father who stood in the doorway to my bedroom gazing at me intensely.

He walked forward, his hands shoved into his pant pockets.

"What's on your mind?" he questioned knowingly as he sat beside me on my cot.

I looked away from him quickly, anxiety building in me as I knew how horrible of a liar I was.

"Nothing, " The word came out quick and breathlessly making it very obvious that I was lying.

Damn me and my lack of skill when it came to deception.

"So you're saying that not one thought about a certain young beauty with long brown hair has passed through your mind at all today?"

The question had me freezing in place.

Shit.Shit. Shit.

He knew didn't he? Oh no.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but I just want to say one thing," he continued as his large hand settled on my shoulder.

"Young love can be exciting and fun," he paused taking a deep breath, "but always remember that there are consequences to everything son."

His words left me speechless and tense. I could only nod at him to let him know I heard.

With one last pat on the shoulder he stood up and walked out of the room.

( A/N) I'm sorry for not updating in forever. It has been awhile so instead of you all having to wait for me to type out a long chapter I thought I'd give you something. I know it's boring and all but not every chapter will have action haha. Anyways, I'm not even sure if anyone reads my author notes. If you do, can you just write the word 'Zaynsbangin' in the comment section? I'd like to know how many do read these! Thank you! Love you all! :)

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