Thirty Eight

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I could feel myself growing irritated already. It was automatic and almost instantaneous.

I bit my lip as he leaned against the edge of the bar, his body close to mine.

I looked at my glass, ignoring the feel of his stare on me.

"There are drinks stronger than that milkshake that can help make you feel better, ya know that?" he questioned with a tinge of humor in his tone.

I didn't bother registering his existence, instead I continued to stare at my glass.

Of all people, why must he be the one to spot me? To bother me? Why? I just have the worst of luck sometimes.

Maybe I'd feel a lot better if it was somebody I actually liked, someone whose presence didn't make me want to throw myself out a window.

I slowly turned towards him, my eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"What do you want Harry?"

He grinned, satisfied that I was now looking at him.

"Wow, you look like you've had a rough day." he observed, cocking his head to side.

I groaned, not even bothering to feel offended.

"Thanks." I muttered sarcastically.

He pulled himself onto the bar stool and got comfortable.

God have mercy on my soul.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, glancing around to see if my best friend was also here. Unfortunately she wasn't which made me curious as to what he was doing here alone.

"I was walking and saw you come in. I watched you sulk like a child before coming over." He explained in amusement.

"Do you find my obvious misery funny?" I snapped.

He smirked slightly, "I won't lie to you love when I say this, but yes I do."

I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"You're so rude."

He chuckled clearly not offended.

"Where's Aria? Shouldn't you two be doing something since you're so ...inlove?" My tone was bitter as I said it and I knew it was my jealousy and irritation that caused it.

Why was this mongrel of a man still with my wonderful and affectionate best friend? Shouldn't they be the ones separated!? He was clearly not the right one for her! Why was I the one sulking and crying over a broken heart? Zayn was perfect to me. We were perfect. least I thought we were.

"She can't see me today. Something to do with her grandfather's birthday, not really sure. She called me so early I didn't hear half the rubbish she told me." He explained casually before hollering to the waitress-rather rudely may I add.

I stared at him, my eyes slowly narrowing in to slits.

"Rubbish? Anything she tells you should not be called 'rubbish'. You should eat up everything she says to you. She's cares for you. Have some respect and listen. Don't be a-"

He quickly interrupted me, "I think we both can admit that Ar does tend to ramble about useless information Lizzy."

I scoffed, " So what? If you loved her you would enjoy her rambling."

I paused for a moment before quickly, and a bit too loudly, adding "and don't call me Lizzy. You have no right to give me a nickname. We are not friends, nor will we ever be!"

Revulsion [zm au]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora