"Just move the cat," Mia suggested, her tone light.

"Move the cat," Evangeline repeated, the idea settling into her mind. She considered the feasibility for a moment, her thoughtful gaze revealing her contemplation. "That is technically possible, isn't it?"

Mia carefully lifted Sekhmet and placed her in a new location, giving Evangeline the space to stand up and complete her dressing routine. As Evangeline settled back into her surroundings, Mia's contemplative demeanor took hold, and she began to pace back and forth with an air of preoccupation. Evangeline observed Mia's actions, her curiosity piqued by the noticeable shift in Mia's mood.

Evangeline's inquiry came from a place of genuine concern and empathy. "Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" Mia's response was simple and to the point. "Dalziel is set to be executed."

Evangeline's brows furrowed as she processed the information, and she sought clarification. "This is the Dalziel who trained you to be a child soldier, correct?"

Mia's nod was accompanied by a conflicted expression. "He's far from perfect. I know that. But I don't think he should die for it. I'm hoping I can convince Reinaldo to reconsider."

Evangeline's empathy guided her next question. "Do you think you can?"

Mia sighed. "I sincerely doubt it."

Evangeline's caring concern prompted her to ask, "Do you have a plan for if you are unable to persuade him?"

Mia's shoulders slumped ever so slightly as she admitted, "Not really. I would have gladly followed Caoimhe through hell if necessary, but I doubt I'd do the same for Dalziel."

After being informed of Reinaldo's return to Earth, Mia again requested to be allowed to visit Dalziel, and her request was approved. Dalziel was escorted by armed guards and his hands were chained to a table. Mia, determined to ensure a moment of privacy despite the circumstances, requested that the guards leave. They hesitated but ultimately complied, leaving her alone with him.

Dalziel spoke with conviction. "They tried to tell me that meeting with you would be pointless. They said it wouldn't accomplish anything, but I know you better than that. I refused to believe that you would betray a comrade; a dear friend; your family."

Mia's response was tinged with a mix of sadness and resolve. "You know me well."

"Good to see you again," Dalziel continued. "It's been far too long."

Mia tried to suppress her inner turmoil. "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

Dalziel's chained hands rested on the table as he continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've grown up so much. 'Tis hard to believe that you were that frightened little girl I first met ten years ago. I wish Caoimhe could see you now. How have you been?"

Mia sighed, her worry evident. "Stressed. Evangeline has been concerned but supportive, while I'm increasingly unsure of whether I'm doing the right thing."

Dalziel leaned in closer, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. "You and I haven't always agreed on everything. But I've never had any doubt in your commitment to what's right. I just worry you're losing sight of what that is, and what you just said confirms it. We may have somewhat different views, but I know you know this path you're on now is taking you in the wrong direction."

Mia acknowledged his concern with a solemn nod. "I know."

"I live for Ireland," Dalziel declared firmly. "I am prepared to die for Ireland. My country is my life. That's who I am. I know national identity means very little to you, but surely you must understand. I dedicated my life to bringing freedom and justice to Ireland, only to be labeled a counter-revolutionary by a foreign invader."

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