"I do love you," said Ixora. "But I'm not in love with you. I will always be grateful to you for helping me to find my purpose, and also coffee, which is why I'll always fix you when you need it."After Ixora finished fixing Io, she hugged him. Ixora then disappeared.

"Now, let's go, everyone!" Nathan exclaimed.

Mara's red eyes stared at the night sky from the balcony of her small treehouse protruding above the forest canopy. Her planet's major natural satellite loomed large in the sky. Its surface prominently featured green forests and blue oceans which stood out in the otherwise colorless expanse, and the sunlight it reflected helped to light the darkness, and in turn shone on Mara's pale, nearly white skin. Her long, silver hair and her black dress flowed gently in the wind.

Nearby, Nathan softly brought his ship down onto a lightweight and barely visible landing pad structured much like a spiderweb. He then exited the ship with Io, Ja, Ur, Ruby, and Henry. Mara leapt off the balcony, using her silvery wings to carry her over to them and then gently slow her fall. She landed in front of Nathan, folded her arms, and glared.

"I bring you children, my love," Nathan declared, his words carrying a hint of triumph.

Mara said nothing and slapped Nathan's face. She then pointed at the spaceship. Without hesitation, Nathan, Io, Ja, Ur, Ruby, and Henry reboarded the ship, their departure punctuated by Mara's unwavering gaze. As the ship lifted off and departed from her world, Mara stood alone in the moonlight, her emotions and thoughts veiled in silence.

"That didn't go as planned," Nathan remarked, the sense of defeat evident in his tone. "I'd like to minimize interference in the natural environment of the main satellite of Mara's Planet, so instead of returning there, we really should find somewhere else. Where shall we go now?"

"Earth," suggested Ruby.

Nathan's response was immediate and definitive. "Not an option."

"Could we at least go back to the Milky Way?" asked Henry.

"I suppose," Nathan conceded.

"Then how about Mars? I've always wanted to go to Mars."

"That's a terrible idea," said Nathan. "Although I suppose it could be a good place to live, with a few adjustments. You humans need to breathe oxygen, and you need a warmer environment."

"That reminds me, we left that guy in the trunk of that car," said Io. "Anyway, perhaps a dome would be a good idea. We could then create an environment the human children could live in."

"That's a terrible idea," said Nathan.

"We need a really big dome!" exclaimed Ja.

"You're a genius!" exclaimed Nathan.

"Hey!" exclaimed Io. "I just suggested that!"

"A dome is a terrible idea. However, a really big dome is brilliant."

"It's still a dome," said Ur. "Why not just terraform the whole planet?"

"That's why you're my smartest child."

"I know I am. However, I was only offering the most practical solution to what you were suggesting. Honestly, though, there is little reason to terraform Mars when there are plenty of available planets that are both vacant and habitable."

"I don't care," said Nathan. "The human children would certainly feel more comfortable back in their home star system in their home galaxy, and I wish to accommodate them. Anyway, I already made up my mind, and Mars will be terraformed. I'll have to hire somebody for that, so let's go to Ruyfira."

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