Chapter 22

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A couple days later

Since T was in the hospital i've​ been taking over his duties as owner of his store until he's better

I've been feeling sick lately and been throwing up. Maybe it's all the stress from what happened to T or this thing with Peter...all I know is I hope it goes away

"Gross" I said flushing my throw up down the toilet

I washed my hands and grabbed a paper towel to wipe my mouth. I flicked the light off in the bathroom before walking back to T's desk and sitting down

"Chris?" Kayla,One of the employees called

"Yeah?" I looked up and seen her holding a dozen of my favorite flowers, chrysanthemums​

"Wow,those are nice,your boyfriend has good taste"

"Actually these are for you" she said sitting them on the desk and leaving. There was a card so I picked it up and read it

I remembered you said you liked these,when I saw them I thought of you

Sincerely,your love

I sighed and tossed the note in the trash along with the flowers. My phone buzzed on the desk


I cautiously answered the phone


"Chris,did you get the flowers?"

"Yeah,Peter what do you want?"

"You,can't you see that"


"Have dinner with me"

"Are yo-" I stopped. That gives me an idea "fine,after this leave me alone"

"Great,meet me where it all started"

I sighed. I knew exactly place he was talking about

"Zuma restaurant,8:00"

"Ha,you remember,that's good,see you tonight" he ended the phone. I slammed my phone on the desk

Ok Chris,you can do this,it's just dinner




After work I went home to find something to wear when I meet with Peter. But first I have to make sure I have a plan

"Chris,what are you doing?"

"I'm picking out a dress"

"For?" She asked. I couldn't tell her what I was doing. I already had enough to deal with

"T,had a meeting with this clothing company,since he got shot I have to do it"

"Mhmm,what's going on?"

"I just told you"


"Okay,I'm meeting... Peter"


"Zoe, please" I sighed "I have to,I just do"

"So what if he snaps and tries to hurt you?"

"He won't,he loves"

"Ugh...I swear you and T are gonna give me a heart attack"

"Zoe,I have a plan, okay?"

"Well I want to know,I can't have you just going to meet him"

"Ok,I'll tell you" I said as we sat on the bed





It was almost 7:30pm when I got out the shower. I changed into a white button down dress shirt,brown dress pants and dark brown dress shoes

I grabbed my keys to my Benz and headed out the door. The drive there was quiet which gave me time to think why she agreed to have dinner with me. I know she's up to something

I parked by the entrance and went inside. There weren't that many people in here but that's okay with me

"Ah,Mr. Young,your area is ready for you" a woman said leading me outside "would you like anything to drink?"

"Champagne" she nodded before walking away. She came back with a bottle of champagne and two glasses

She opened it and poured me a glass.I looked at my watch and it read 8:15

"Would you like to order?"

"No,not yet"






It read as I got up. I was about to leave when I saw he come through the door. She was stunning. She had on a black lace dress,black shoes and her hair curly

"You're late"

"I just wanted to look good tonight" she smiled.i noticed a bulge in the top part of her dress. I walked closer to her and reached in the chest part of her dress pulling out a tape recorder. I chuckled tossing it on the ground and stomping on it

"Do I look that stupid baby,huh?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and sat at the table

"I'm here,so what now?"

"We have dinner,you realize I did what I had to do for you"


"Look,when we first met I felt there was something special,I know you felt it"

"Did you hurt them?" She asked. I clinched my jaw muscle trying not get mad

"Would you like to order n-"

"NO!" I said as she looked at me shocked before scurrying off

"Now back to your question,I did the nesissary, Warren,he was harassing y-"

"No he wa-"


"I could sense it was a matter of time before you let him back in your life,so I eliminated the competitor to ensure we had a future"

"So you killed him?"

"Yes,for us,him...and his girlfriend" her eyes glistened off the reflection the water.she stood up so I pulled my gun out and pointed it at her. I cocked it to let her know I was serious


"ha, I'm sure you know that by now, because of you"

"W...what about T,did you shoot him?"

"Funny you should ask,yes,I'm sorry about your car by the way​"

"I can't believe you did that" she cried as tears fell down her cheeks

"Well believe it" she got up and tried to run for the door so I let one off in the air.I sighed looking at the people running out the restaurant

"See what you made me do"

"I can't believe did that"

"Ha,you know I didn't think you were interested in T until saw you two bed,I had to do something because he was never going away"

"You're going to prison"

"It's your word against mine"


I saw red,white and blue lights flashing and cops were rushing in

"You set me up?"




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