Mr. Peter Young

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*the next morning*

I woke up and went down the hall to the bathroom and took a shower

''this water is soooo warm'' I said letting the water run down my body,I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and washed my hair


''hurry up girl, other people have to shower" she said continuing to knock

''I'm washing my hair,use the other one''

"what other one, T taking a shower in the other one''

'I said I'll be out in a sec"

''....forget it,he's out''

"see,there you go"




I got out and dried my hair before wrapped the towel around my body.when I was walking out I bumped into T

"Mm..DAMN......that towel is lucky" He said licking his lips then smiling

"Take a good look because this is all you'll see baby"

"You calling me baby now,I guess I'm getting closer to making you my girlfriend,huh" he asked chuckling

"Whatever" I smiled pushing him to the side and walking in my room

Zoe wanted me to come with her to to a business breakfast to meet new people and help me make ''connections'', I'm pretty sure she wants me to meet some guys or whatever

"Chrissy,get up" she said. I slightly opened my eyes

"what" I rubbed my eyes looking around

"we here,you slept the whole way here" she said unbuckling her seat belt and getting out the car and so did I

''Is my hair messed up?" I asked looking at the camera on my phone

"no,and why don't you wear makeup?"

"because I don't wanna walk around with pounds of makeup on my face"

''fine,don't come crying to me when you cant get get a man" she said as we walked in the building

the building was black,I think it was made of rock or something,I liked it

"Zoe,hey girl" a man said

''oh Julian,this is my friend,Christina''

"hi" i said shaking his hand "I'm...well you just heard my name"

"I'm Julian"

"Zoe" a man called from a far

"girl,here comes my future husband,we gonna be the next Will and Jada" she said checking herself. I laughed and turned and seen him

" cute, don't tell my man" Julius said walking away smiling

damn,he's tall,chocolate,muscular,a low hair cut,but looks good on him,looks good in a suit,he looks well put together

"hey Zoe,...who is your friend?" he asked smiling at me

"this is my best friend,Christina,but I call her Chrissy" she said as I elbowed her

"Chrissy,ha,I like that"he chuckled showing his beautiful,white teeth

"and what's your name?" He picked up my hand and looked at me

"Peter... Peter young" He kissed my hand making me smile

"So Peter, how about me and you go out sometime" Zoe said smiling

"Come on Zoe,you know I don't mix business with pleasure" he said still eyeing me

"Fine,but one day peter,one day" Zoe said. he started to walk away but then stopped and looked at me

"And uh..Christina,hope to see you again" he said winking at me

we all sat at a big table,and Peter came over to me, made a little nervous,he smelled so good,god I hope I don't say anything stupid

"is this seat taken" he asked pointing at the seat

"um,no no"

"great'' he pulled the seat out and sat next to me ''so how long have you known Zoe?"

"practically all my life" I looked at her and she gave me a thumbs up which made me roll my eyes

"That's great, I never really had family and friends,so its good to see a person who cares so much about that,you know"

"Yeah,well she's like my sister"

"So you have any family here or....."

"No, just her,and our friend T "


"So,what do you do here?"

"Well,I'm the COO of this fine business establishment"

"Really,must be nice"

"Ah not really,I just buy and sell priceless art, just wish I had someone to share it with...ya know"

"I would rather have family than money"

"I wish I had both" he said as a man stood up and tapped his glass

''you wanna hear a joke?"

"Sure" He was about to speak but his laughter got in the way

''Come on tell me''

"ha,ok ok,why is air a lot like sex?"

"ha,I don't know,why"

"Because its no big deal unless you're not getting any" he said. I shook my head chuckling

"Well,I like how one person found my joke funny" the man said smiling

"I'm sorry,ha,was that corny?" He whispered in my ear

"a little,but I've never heard a person say that to me" I said smiling at him and the man continued to talk

"Do you wear makeup?"

"" I said wiping my mouth

"I like it....the natural look"

"some people feel more comfortable with makeup,just be yourself''

"That's one of the most important things,being true to yourself" we both looked at each other




Love Was Right In Front Of MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora