Chapter 2

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"Zoe,we're back" I shouted walking back in the house

"Great,as soon as I found out he cancelled"

"Damn,that sucks,huh big head" she smacked her teeth mushing the back of his head

"Come on,not the do"

"Y'all too much"

"Chris,fat head,I have to take a nap,then workout"

"You need to...fat ass"

"I know you ain't calling nobody fat with y-"

"Guys,we're family,so act like it"

"Ugh..." She smacked her teeth

"Come on,say it"

"Man...." he smacked his teeth in response

"T" I looked at him raising my eyebrow

" you"

"ugh....Love you too"

"And I love you both,hug" I said. I pulled them both into hug

"I just wanna sleep for a while,can someone show me to my room"

"I will" T said as he picked up my things and we walked up stairs

"so how come you moved out here?" I asked

"well I wanted to open my own clothing store,I figured this was the perfect place, I could get you a job there by the way,then Zoe came down and we just started living together"

"Cool,thanks for helping me though" I said grabbing the bag and sitting it on the floor

"It's cool,So...were you in a relationship back home" he asked walking close to me

"Um...I...well..." I backed up and tripped over my bag but luckily he caught me

Wow,he has a firm grip


"T" Zoe called braking our gaze

"I'm coming,well Chris....your room"

"Thanks again"

"no problem,I'll leave you to unpack and get some rest" he turned to leave

"Bye" I said biting my lip

I wouldn't mind him holding me like that more often

the room was big yet ordinary,the floors were wood,the walls painted light blue but it actually looked okay to me




I wondered around the house just looking,and I walked past T's room and he was doing push ups with his shirt off

"So" I said as he lost focus and hit his face on the floor "I'm sorry"

"Its fine....ah....come in"

"So..." I said laying on his back as he started doing push ups again

''are you gonna speak.....ah.... or keep saying so''

"How long have we been friends"

"Over 10 years...why"

"Just asking"

"Ha,you....ah,should know that too ya know"

"I know, but it feels like I've known you my whole life"

" have,shit you're heavy"

"I'm not" I said as he dropped and I rolled on the floor

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