Date or Death

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Zoe POV-

I couldn't listen to this whole Peter possibly killing Warren thing right now. I was going on a date with Rico and I need positive vibes in my life


I took a shower and changed into a tight,mint green dress,open toed heels.I was flat ironing my hair when I heard a knock at the door

I smiled thinking it was Rico. I went to the door and answered it. He was wearing a white supreme shirt,cargo shorts,and a pair of red roshes

"Wassup mami,you look beautiful as always"

"Thank you" he kissed me. He stepped back looking at my dress so I turned around letting him get a look

"Damn,but you didn't have to dress up to go to the aquarium"

"Yes I did" he grabbed my hand and led me to his red Jeep. He opened the door and helped me in before getting in himself




We pulled up to the place and got out. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked up and went inside. We walked around and looked at a few fish

"I never met a guy like you before"

"I'm glad" he got behind me and pulled me close laying his chin on my shoulder letting his scent of vanilla and mint take away  "I'm glad you finally know what being loved feels like"

Our bodies slowly swayed back and forth as if we heard music. He turned me around looking into my eyes and kissed me

Stay strong Zoe....but I haven't had any in a...long...time

He slid his hand down and firmly squeezed my ass catching me off guard a little


"Yeah?" he asked kissing my neck

"There are people around"

"So let's go back to my place"

"Rico I don't kn-" he kissed me sliding his tongue in my mouth

"Ok,let's go" he led me back to his Jeep and he sped back to his house




He pulled up and we went inside. I kicked off my shoes a he took off his shirt showing his nice body

We kissed down the hall until we got to his room. He opened the door,I backed up and we fell on the bed

He stood up to unbuckle his pants,I slid my thong off and tossed it at him,I chuckled as he grabbed my ankles pulling me to the edge if the bed,I sat up unzipping my dress pulling it off,he climbed over me kissing me,we flipped over and I was on top of him

He reached over grabbing a condom form the nightstand,I propped up on my knees so he could put it on,I grabbed his shaft slowly sliding on it,I softly bit his lip as he grabbed my waist moving me up and down

"Shit" he groaned,he pushed on his chest laying him back,he bit his lip pulling off his shirt,I started riding him faster kissing his neck, moans escaped my lips as he gave me a few smacked to the ass




~The next morning~

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