Chapter 10

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They share an unsure look. She's still just one, and they are two. Peter is dying to know how she feels inside, but he doesn't want to risk overstepping, so he waits for Allan to say something. His response comes in the form of Allan's firm grip maneuvering him down them bed, and them guiding Sarah towards him. That's really all he has to do. They can figure the rest for themselves.

"I think this time I'll just watch." Sarah frowns, even though she's positioning herself on top of Peter. "Don't worry, I know how to keep myself busy. Besides, I like watching you two." He says, with his length in hand, stroking it up and down lazily.

"If that's the case," Peter says, angling himself in the middle of her opening. "I'll give you a show worthy of your time."

The first thrust hits her so deeply, Sarah thinks she might just see the back of her head, with how hard her eyes roll. Except the next one is just as intense, and the next, and the next. The ghost of an old Christian guilt threatens to ruin the moment when she is reminded of what their parents would think if they ever saw them like that. They would probably deem them sinners, undeserving of expressing their love for each other, but Allan exorcizes the painful thought whispering sweet-nothings in her ear, as he runs his hands through her body. He hovers over her like an angel, but one who knows what earthly pleasures feel like, and won't deny her any of it for the sake of his own selfish remarks. Love is selfless tenderness that warms your heart, and so is Allan. Love is a steady fire that boils your insides, and so is Peter. And Sarah, she's just a woman in love with two men.

Their love is holy. No one will convince her otherwise.

She tightens her grip around Peter's back, just as Allan mouths on the impossibly tender spot behind her ear and her body melts into it. He whole body feels like it's about to explode, but she's ready for it now. For everything. She can write ten thousand words in one sitting, run five miles with one breath - even run for president if that's what she wants. She can do anything and everything as long as she is pinned between these two men every step of the way.

They can do it all together.

When her eyes meet Peter's again, she sees him searching for something beyond her body. As if caught doing something he shouldn't, Peter casts his eyes back at her and stares. Expecting a frown, he is met with a tender smile. Sarah moves her head away a few inches, giving their lovers enough space to kiss one more time. Their lips move in a way that is much tender than expected for the stage they're in, but she thinks they might need that now. When they break the kiss their eyes are still staring, but they're not searching anymore. Sarah thinks that perhaps they found one another too.

Has she really been the only one racking her brain trying to make an impossible choice?

Allan reaches down with his hand and circles his thumb around her sensitive lips, just as Peter's thrusts become more frantic. And just like that, after fumbling around under the water, desperately gasping for air, she reaches the surface and can finally breathe again.

The wave washes over her and takes her away into the sea.

They all fall on the bed, panting and tired, but completely satisfied. There's a stickiness between their skin - a mixture between sweat and their fluids - but they simply don't care. They're all too happy and pleased to mind about any little thing.


"What happens tomorrow when we wake up?" Sarah's voice is so small she's afraid they won't hear it, and she'll be forced to say it again.

"Sarah..." Peter starts. "Let's not think about it, ok?"

"I can't not think about it. I just...can't.

"What are you afraid of?"

"That's a deep fucking question there, Allan."

Peter says before she can answer because he too was probably afraid of a few things himself, but too shy to admit it. Allan is always the one who's never afraid to confront his feelings, so he gives them a pointed look, but still doesn't say anything else. He's allowing them to give it a thought before answering or deciding if they even want to answer it at all.

"I think...I'm just afraid that we will wake up and them..." Sarah trails off, unsure of what her point even is.

"...things won't be the same." Peter finishes for her, knowing that this is exactly what she had in mind, but couldn't find it in her the strength to voice the thoughts.

Allan gives them a slightly cocky smile that is very new to him, but then it turns serene like it usually is. "So we don't sleep. We just...lay here and talk until it's time. That way nothing will change."

"I like that idea."

Sarah tells them, with a smile. She is good with making plans ahead, but Allan always comes up with the best plans on the spot. This is the kind of resourceful creativity that always comes in hand when they have just a few ingredients in the fridge, and she is dying to eat something new. Allan's best ideas always come at times like these, and maybe this might be his best one so far. Well...second best.

They lay there, with Sarah in between, and talk for hours on end. At some point, Peter tells them about New York and his everyday life on the law firm. He talks about his coworker Anna, that has auburn hair like hers, but blue eyes like Allan, and how he almost found himself falling for the girl just because of that. Luckily, Anna was very well married to their boss, so he didn't have any other funny ideas, and she turned out to be a good friend to him.

Sarah starts getting too tired to stay with her eyes open, but to keep her awake Allan decides to teach them everything he knows about wine - which in retrospect probably wasn't the best subject - and although Peter is surprisingly interested in the topic, it still puts Sarah right to sleep. They talk for a while longer, until they hear the familiar sound of the cicadas, and Peter knows it's time to start getting ready. 

They get up gently and in silence, so they won't wake her up. She could use a little sleep after all that action.

"Is it ok if I take a shower?"

"I guess. Unless you want to get in New York smelling like sex and Turkey Loaf."

Peter smiles, and ruffles on his messy hair. "There are worst things to smell like. Trust me."

"Yeah, I guess..."

There's a moment of silence where they just stare at each other, but before it can turn awkward, Peter steps in. "So...towels?"

Allan motions to where he can find them - even though he already did it before - and he grabs one, leaving towards the bathroom. He sighs and lets his mind wander to a couple of hours ago when Sarah was sharing her insecurities, that turned out to be theirs. Like her, he is worried about how things will develop after what happened, and most of all, if there will be something to develop, or this will turn out to only be a one-time thing. 

What happens now?

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