Then we kiss, it's a passionate kiss; full of love and feeling. Even though it only last for a few seconds, I know we both know it's real.

Harry smiles sweetly at me and he turns to key to turn on the engine and he sets off, a bit quicker, but, we both know it's been a long a tiring day.

Ciona's POV

After, Harry and Emily go into their vehicle Niall and I jump into his silver Jeep. As soon as we get in we close the doors and we set off on the road in silence.

I don't know why we're being so quiet, but I think we've just had a troubled day so we don't know what to say.

Niall puts his hand on mine at a red light. "I'm sorry that i'm being so quiet, I just don't know how to react to everything".

I reply after looking in his eyes smiling slightly "I know, I just wish that the past will stop watching up with me, y'know when I was being bullied because..."

"Yeah, I know. I promise I won't get anything like that happen to you" he smiles and accelerates when the light is turned to green.

I'm so happy I have someone like him...

Emily's POV

When we FINIALLY get to our destination my jaws drop at the sight.

After Harry enters a 7-digit code, his electric

fence opens and welcomes us to a mansion-like house! It's very modern, you can tell but I love it!

Harry drives up the cobble drive way and we both unbuckle and remove ourselves from the fancy sports car.

I jog round to the boot I open it, receiving my dolly bag and 2 over-night bags.

By the time I do this, close the boot and walk to the front of the car; Harry already has the door open, gesturing me to go in. I follow his commands and walk in slowly and gasp.

It's giant! It has a black staircase in the middle of the reception room what goes up to the seconds floor and two doors next to it. When you walk in there another two doors to your left and then your right.

I stand gob smacked as a chuckling Harry closes the door and stands next to me "what's wrong, babe? Did you think I lived in a Frat apartment?" he inquires.

I answer back, still in shock "N-no, but I just didn't expect it to be THIS big" I move my arms up gesturing to the scene before us.

Harry wraps an arm around my waist as he walks my up the grand staircase. "It's been a long day so you can change into your pyjamas and we can go to sleep, then tomorrow we can sort everything out" he finishes, smiling tiredly at me.

Aw, bless. He's basically awake just for me.

I nod quickly, smiling back "okay, love".

Harry leads me down a corridor, turning multiple lights on during the journey then we finally stop at a broad oak door. He twists the handle and pushes the heavy door open silently and I am, once again gobsmacked.

How can he afford all of this?! Oh, wait...stupid question.

"You can quickly get changed and i'll be in the bathroom" he states before kissing forehead and walking into what I now know is the ensuite bathroom.

I dump my bags in a corner infront of a grand wardrobe and I get a white tank top and black silk shorts out. I swap them with the clothes i'm wearing and I put my hair up in a high ponytail just as me handsome boyfriend wanders out of the bathroom.

"My go" I grin, getting my small bag out of one of the larger ones and I set off with my evening routine.

I wash my face to make sure all my make-up is off and then brush my teeth thoroughly. I then put some night cream on my face to make sure it's still smooth in the morning and to prevent break-outs then I walk out.

When I walk out I see a hardly awake Harry Styles laying in the bed waiting for me. He reaches his arms out "c'mere" he says in his raspy cheshire accent and I walk over and lay down, him instantly cuddling up to me like I was a giant teddy bear.

I smile sleepily and I snuggle into him, soon I realise we're spooning. I don't care though.

"Goodnight, my love" Harry says and. Kisses my hair making me giggle.

"Goodnight, my prince" I reply.

We both end up falling to sleep, with smiles on both out face, in each others arms.

God, I love him.

Ciona's POV

When we arrive at Niall's house I grin at the sight. It's homey-just how I like it.

We both step out of the car and close our door in sync, earning a chuckle from Niall.

Before I can get to the boot, Niall is already there and he grabs the bags and closes the door in a split second.

"Do you want any help, Ni?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"No, i'm fine, love" he replies smiling.

Of course you'd say that.

I smile back and he opens the door, man, how many arms does this boy have?!

I giggle at the thought and I walk in after him.

Remember, ladies first-but men just before (A/N ;) ;)).

"welcome to my humble aboad" he says breathlessly.

"It's beautiful, honestly".

It's basically like your ordinary house, but bigger and slightly more up-to-date.

It has a staircase up one side of the wall in the reception room and pictures of what I suspect are of him and family.

I smile at the thought, of having a nice, calm family.

Something I didn't have since we moved.

I push my memory back as far as I can in my mind and I grin.

There's four rooms plotted around the first floor and I think there's four more on the second floor, also.


Niall guides me up the old mahogany stairs and I follow close behind to the first door on the right. He opens the door with ease and I peer through it.

It's a massive bedroom, probably the master.

"I like it" I comment, smiling.

"Thanks, Ci" he grins and jumps on the bed. "You can get ready first".

I nod and thank him before I grab a navy blue tank top with a white heart in it and white pyjamas shorts. I then grab a small bag and I skip into the bathroom to get started.

I grab make-up remover wipes from my bag and I rub my face with them to make sure I get the substances off then I wash my face just to make sure. I then brush my teeth and lastly, I change into my new fresh clothes.

I walk out and Niall walks in when I step out kissing my cheek "I love you!" he calls out before closing the door.

I smile as I crawl under the puffy covers.

He loves me.

A few minutes later a yawning Niall ventures out of the bathroom and jumps on the bed, making my fly a little bit.

"Sorry, love" he says and gets under the covers pulling me close and kisses my nose.

"I love you, Ni" I smile, blushing slightly.

"I love you too, Bib. Goodnight" he grins

"Night, Niall".

We fall asleep like this. Both face eachother and in one and another's arms, protecting eachother.



Ok, so i'm SO SORRY about not updating in sooo long!!

I was on a massive writers block so y'know, hopefully this massive chappie will make you forgive me??

Anyways,,,,, peace and love cupcakes :) x

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