Chapter 9

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Okay as you can tell, I've had loads of homework so much I haven't updated. I'm so sorry!!! But anyways enjoy!


Emily's POV

"What should we say to the others" I ask rubbing my arm.

"We won't tell them yet, we have to settle into the idea first", I hear him say with a light chuckle. I grin back and we hear a knock on the door, Louis. "It's been 7 minutes now, get out!"

As soon as we get out we get looks from the circle but we just shrug our shoulders, not wanting anyone to know about our relationship.

"Okay, Ciona, truth or dare, kiss or swear?" I knew what she was gonna choose... "Umm I pick truth!" Knew it. She always locks truth because she likes to play it safe.

We huddle together before Harry puts his finger to his lips, giving us the sign he knows a truth. We un-wrap ourselves from one and another and Harry clears his throat "Ciona, who was your first crush?"

Ciona's mouth gapes open and her cheeks go red, I already know the answer but I'm waiting until she says it for herself...

Ciona's POV

"Ciona, who was your first crush?"

Oh god.

It was Niall. How am I suppose to say that?! He doesn't even know that I liked him when we were kids. Oh crap.

My eyes flash to Emily, who has a smirk plastered on her face, then to Niall who's looks at me curiously.

"Well, who was it?!"

The boys scoot closer a little but while Emily just stays there mouthing 'you have to say it'. She's right, I do have to say it.

I take a deep breath before replying... "Niall..was my first crush." As soon as I say it I bury my face in my hands, embarrassed and because I didn't want to see Niall's reaction.

When I'm brave enough I separate my finger slightly so I can see slightly what their reactions are.

Harry's mouth is gaping open, as well as Louis' and Liam's. Zayn and Emily are just smiling sympathetically.. And Niall's smiling at me, the biggest smile I've ever seen before.

Louis coughs on purpose so everyone take their attention to him before her says "so Niall, now it's you; truth or dare, kiss or swear?"

I've uncovered my face from my hands now, but I don't make eye contact with anyone, I just look at the floor, fiddling with my nails.

"Ummm I pick..kiss!"

There's loads of wolf whistles and he gets loads of pats on the back too before Liam blurts out "kiss the cutest girl in the room!"

Oh god, who's it gonna be, me or Emily?...

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