Chapter 18

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Ciona's POV

We all get ushered into the room by Zayn after her calls the police.

We wait, and we wait...and we wait.

Finally, they come. They interview us one by one, and multiple times also, I don't get why. Just once is enough for today thanks!

After they've all finished the agonizing interviews the all put our answers together, kinda like Blue's Clues (A/N, it's a old kids show) putting everything in order and making sure nobody could be telling a lie.

But no one would, about this...right?

My depressing thoughts get interrupted by someone clearing their throat, I peer up, looking through my eyelashes to see the source of the noise. The police officer.

"Miss Blue and Miss Chamberlain, we have reached a decision that for the time being it is not safe-or more like extremely dangerous for you accommodating at this house. Your boyfriends have both volunteered to let you live with them. The decision is yours, but you have to think safely, and quickly". And with that, he walks away to talk to one of his other 'buddies'.

I hate police, lets just say when I moved, I became a good girl turned bad for a little while; graffiti, insulting, I even joined a gang! But when I was 16, I decided to leave it all behind, for the benefit of my education.

"What do you want to do?" croaks a exhausted Emily next to me, I just put my face in my hands and sigh loudly.

"I honestly don't know E, what if we have a fall out with one of our boyfriends? What then?"

"I'm sure that won't happen, Bib" I look up to see Niall and Harry by the door way with bags and suitcases "we'll promise you it wont happen", Harry butts in after Niall.

Well, how can I not trust them, they're basically my friends-or more like my family.

"Okay" Emily states and stands up with a tired smile.

I fell sorry for her, even though she's the oldest, she gets tired easier.

"Yeah, what's the worse that can happen?" I say but I instantly regret it after having thoughts of the worse. Catherine coming in and finding me. Hurting me but most of all, taking Niall away from me.

I push the thoughts out of my mind and I stand up, putting on a brave face. "Lets go!" Emily cheers and hugs me whispering "i'll see you soon, C". I hug her back replying "bye, E".

We pull apart and smile sadly at eachother, and we go our separate ways out the door, Emily going left with Harry protectively looks around, and Niall and I walking hand in hand.

Nothing can break this love and friendship, hopefully.

Emily's POV

Ciona and I part and I slide into Harry's black tinted Ferrari, what he already unlocked. seconds after, he himself gets in and put his keys in the ignition.

Though, before he twists them to start the engine he places his large hand on my knee. Just his touch gives me butterflies.

I bring my attention back to him as he starts "i'm so sorry about everything what's happened tonight Emily, I really am. I wish it happened to me, and not you! You don't deserve any of this, you're too kind and innocent for this" he looks at me with sad eyes and this makes me even more sad, distressed actually.

I haven't ever seen him like this-and I don't ever want to see him like this again.

"Thanks, Haz. And, I know everything is going to be fine now because i'm with you. And I know that you can make everything bad go away and you'll protect me" I reply with a genuine smile.

Somebody I Used To Know-N.H [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن