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Well here's part 5

Maybe introducing some new characters.


Isla sat with her legs dangling from the ambulance truck, not quite tall enough to reach the floor from where she was perched legs dangling over the edge.

Her red-rimmed eyes skimmed over the house in front, not sure if the horrors were just waiting to jump out. The house, now surrounded by police cars and police tape loomed taller than before.

The architecture that once seemed a beauty, a stunning building perched on a boring street now frightened her.

The crowd surrounding the house was attempting to surge forward only just being held back by the police.

Isla had sat there for hours as they scanned the house for anything. Too many people had come to ask her anything she knew. She had been questioned countless times and checked up by different paramedics. The paramedics who had now run off to treat the injuries of one the fights that broke out in the crowd surrounding this house.

The press were trying to squeeze in photos of everything. Isla was sure she looked like shit but she couldn't care less. She didn't care about anything anymore.

She still wept silently. Tears leaked out of her eyes.

They were endless.

They were silent.

The warm orange blanket one of the paramedics had given her sat lightly on her shoulders. The doctor had given it to her saying it was for the shock. Screw shock. Isla's emotions were beginning to tumble out of control.

"I'm a coward." it started as a low whisper. Isla began repeating it; Getting louder and louder. She was furious; the rage seeped out from within her. Some of the crowd had begun to realise but there attention was drawn back to a group of men carrying a stretcher out of the house.

"The tipping point"

Isla heard her thoughts out loud as she hopped down from the ambulance and hurled her shock blanket to her left; producing a small grunt. Isla turned nervously to see a boy clawing at his face to take this shock blanket off.

"You got inside the tape." A stupid thing to say but true nonetheless. The boy smiled a reckless smile; a truthful smile.

"You are beautiful." Isla was taken back by the bluntness of this statement and she began a slow apology as she scrambled backwards now afraid of this stranger.

"I'm so incredibly sorry." backing away slowly, she did not notice the medic bag on the floor until her foot was caught in the handle. She stumbled backwards and let out a short shout as she tumbled backwards.


"Careful you wouldn't want to fall" Isla wasn't sure if she actually heard that or if she was imagining it, but the arm that rested in the small of her back was definitely real.

The fact that her head had not collided with the floor also came to mind.

He pulled her up slowly into a kind of hug before letting go. A smile still hadn't left his face.

An awkward silence appeared and Isla was relieved to hear the voice of a police man calling her. She turned and was Beginning to walk away, but she turned to wave goodbye.

He had gone. She peered round the scattering of cars, but he had left.

Isla wasn't sure whether or not any of this had happened but she knew she hadn't fallen onto the ground.

As she walked away, her hand rested on the small of her back, tracing the outline of a cool hand.



Yeah sorry

I'm not very good at this writing thing.

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