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Ok here's another bit.

Idk if you like it

But I'm gonna keep going anyway.


"As hours move to minutes

And minutes take longer to break

I will be desperately awaiting

When my tongue won't fall apart

And we've been sitting here for hours

All alone and in the dark"

Isla was stuck cramped in the cupboard with only lyrics to comfort her. The men still hadn't walked out of the room and she could hear shuffling in the room next door. Who knew what they were doing in there. The image of Lucia's lifeless body hovered over Isla's eyes as she sat in dreading anticipation.

Lucia had to wait only moments longer before she heard laughter coming out of the living room.

"Boys we've really outdone ourselves this time."

Another wave of laughter ran into Isla's ears. She wanted to run and strangle the men who had done this; but she knew she should play this safe.

Isla watched the men walk into the lobby and then to the door. She heard the heavy footsteps walk down the few steps and the sound of a car door unlocking. She waited for the car door to slam and the engine to roar to life. Finally hearing it off in the distance she pushed open the cupboard door and stepped out onto the cold kitchen floor. Her bare feet squirmed on the frozen tiles. She stood standing, staring at the front door worried any minute that they might come back in. They didn't, and she knew they wouldn't. So, she walked through the kitchen and stopped before she stepped into the hall, she stared at the mirror shards still splattered around the room.

Worried scared faces looked back at her. Thousands of them staring straight at her. It took a moment before she realised that was her. Those were her eyes, her mouth, her nose, there, scattered among the blood.

Isla stepped forward into the chaos, turning right she took the slow walk to the living room door. They had shut it on their way out and now again she was stuck in that same situation. Her hand resting lightly on the door handle. Her fingers twitching in anticipation. Not sure whether or not she should open this door; Isla was more afraid of what would be behind this one.

Isla pushed her hand down and nudged the door forward slowly. Her eyes jumped around the huge tall room for a short period before she looked up on the wall.

Isla's knees crumpled to the floor, her eyes sprang rivers. Water which joined the pools of blood splattered around the living room. Her breath was hitched in her chest as she curled up into a ball and lay sobbing on the floor. Music drifted through her mind as she lay helpless on the floor.

Isla's eyes flickered onto the wall. Taking in different pieces of the puzzle set before her.

The long thin arms stretched wide on either side of her frail body. Her hands nailed in place by rough kitchen knives. Her body sagged from the arms and her feet were pinned together below her. Her feet nailed in place by rough kitchen knives. The lifeless body hung from those arms. The blood trailed down the wall like vines, coming from a hole hidden behind her skull.

Isla unrolled and stood up she looked up at this figure. The tears never ending. For it was not the body that scared her but the eyes. The eyes that were no longer there.

Bloodied holes replaced the warm brown that greeted Isla when she got home. Red voids filled the gap that was once a welcoming a sign if improvement.

Isla screamed. She let out a scream of anguish. She let everything out, the hate the pane, the fear, the terror. One song still echoed in her mind so amongst the scream were lyrics.

'I screamed out

God you vulture

Give her back

Or take me with her'

The scream was infinite. The reply was short.




There you go.

You be the anchor lyrics first.

Pierce the veil second.

More to come

Hopefully soon.


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