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Ok this Is me redoing Insomnia
Sorry this came after but it's prologue and I couldn't find it.


The forest was dark. It was always dark. A jet black. The light could never break through the charcoal canopy. No morsel could escape the net of darkness, but I liked it that way. The air of mystery below that canopy was thrilling. It sent a shiver through my spine. The trees were an ashen grey, the life, the very life has been torn out of these trees leaving behind an emptiness that could never be filled. The trees, they gave me a malevolent look, a contrast to that day, that same day, the day that tore the life out of me, the reason I liked this forest so much. The reason I stayed, the reason I left the ghastly house. I could be sitting at home right now, in front of a warm fire In the cold living room. A sigh escaped me into the wind, I heard it flutter through the darkness in front of me. I took one final look back at my house standing among other houses on the hill, the huge building loomed over the valley as though it owned it, but I guess it did.

I came back here for a reason, and I wasn't going to let thoughts from that day put me off. I began the long walk through the forest. The cold from tonight chilling me to the bone. The wind tearing through my flimsy clothes. I never was dressed properly for nights like tonight a thin t-shirt and shorts probably not the best idea. I imagined him laughing and telling me off like the big brother I'd always wanted. Telling me I should be wearing a coat in his patronising parental voice. A small giggle escaped my lips ringing through the forest, but no. I can't think of him like that anymore. Not after that night. I didn't have any friends, living like I did, there was no one ever around. No one to talk to, no one I could trust. I used to trust him, we used to talk. Not anymore.

I could finally see the river coming into view. It's dark twisted shape cutting through the forest. I could find my way to the edge of the river and followed it upstream, until I got to the ledge. I stopped to stare into the dark waters below. I had so often jumped from this ledge, fully clothes into the warm summer waters, into his strong embrace. I still missed the summers. The peacefulness that surrounded the summer, we could do what we want. We had no knowledge of what was to come. I could still see the frayed rope hanging from one of the trees; dangling over the abyss. The torn ends were like little bristles, reminding me of the pain they caused. I remembered the time he swung on the rope and lost his grip. He fell and shattered his wrist. That left him in a cast for a few months. He never stopped going on it though. He was constantly putting himself in the face of danger.

I looked down into the water as I continued walking and stopped dead. I looked closer at my face and looked into my eyes, eyes that had almost dissapeared, reminding me so much of an old friend. The dark holes leading into my face, the look that came from my eyes scared me.
"What have I become?" I whispered into the cold air surrounding me. I don't know whether I was expecting an answer or not, but none came. I continued walking, the memory fresh in my skull.

I finally heard the sound of leaves crackling and twigs breaking stop from under my feet, and finally reached it. The river split and forked outwards flowing around a small island in the middle and joining again behind. In the middle on the island was a tree. I loved this place. This beautiful island and the tree in the middle were my only place of comfort. It was the only place I ever felt at home. It was a place of wonder. It could only be a shard of heaven, the only plausible description. Around the tree was the only area that ever let in the light. Little moonbeams broke through the canopy surrounding the tree. Giving it a halo of light. The tree itself is too stunning, it's beauty can't be put into words. Its colour is majestic. The silver, it is the most beautiful colour in the entire universe. The tree seemed to give off its own light. The very soul of the tree seemed to be glowing.

I slowly waded my way through the river to the island. I shouldn't be doing this. I knew I shouldn't. None of this could be real, I had made a terrible choice and now there was no coming back. The frigid waters fighting there way into my shoes and around my already frozen toes. I didn't mind because it was worth it. The cold, the wind. I reached the small island and started to approach the tree carefully. I was afraid that none of this was real, the tree would recoil and fade into the ash of the forest. I reached forward and felt my fingers brush the solid wood. Light seemed to shine from where I touched it. The colour becoming stronger and brighter under my touch. I pulled myself up onto one of the lowest branches and began to climb. I climbed slowly at first, making sure of my footholds. I quickened my pace up the long spindly branches into the canopy of silver leaves until I stuck my head out into the open. A fresh breeze blowing across my face. The wind became stronger, howling through the trees, echoing through the valley. The beautiful valley. The pearl in the sky, the moon shone down on the trees, it shone. The valley shone like a beautiful infinite sea of silver. I shuffled around on the branch I was standing on and I called out. I called out a single name.I peered around, the name sitting on my tongue as I tried to get a better view of my surroundings. I wanted to sail away on this sea of silver. Sail to the end of the world.

A horrible crack sounded through the valley, and a surge of fear overwhelmed me. I lost my foothold, I lost my grip and I fell. The branches of the trees snapped underneath my weight, cushioning my fall. I couldn't bare the thought of such a beauty breaking because of me. Something else died inside me that moment. Something that could not be brought back. I fell through this see of silver for what seemed like an eternity drowning in impossibilities when I was suddenly pulled out of the trance when I reached the ground. I lay their for a moment seeing only silver above and raining next to me, wondering if I'd died. I looked myself over and found I barely had a scrape. My body was unscathed, how It was impossible. I looked around me to see how much of the tree had been decimated by my fall, but I could see nothing. I saw a figure off in the distance. It looked like a girl, could it be her. She had come like she promised, I had come like she asked. The figure pointed something at me, and I heard them shout a single word. To me it sounded like 'Ulciscere' Latin for revenge. Revenge, revenge for what. That was the only thought that crossed my mind before the quiet sound of a crossbow being released sounded. It was only a quiet sound, but it seemed to shatter the air. The very trees seemed to quiver at the soft menacing sound.

The air became thick and heavy. The very essence of time seemed to slow down. The trees seemed to be waiting in anticipation for the inevitable outcome. I watched the beautiful slender arrow whiz through the air. It formed a beautiful trajectory splitting the air. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I could only watch as the world spun on without me. It spun, and soon I was looking up, straight at the face of the moon. It seemed to beam back at me as though it were happy. I could see the tree next to me. The beautiful silver tree was glistening, but no it was darkening. The colours were being drained, it was losing the only life it ever had. I could feel tears begin to spring from my eyes
"NO!" I screamed out to the world. This can't be happening. Everything began to darken around me. The moons beaming face, the tree, the life. The silent world left me. Until, all that was left was a warmth in my heart; A beautiful feeling that stayed with me.


Ewh I'm sorry. It's a bit different but it will make sense.

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