Dear My Specific Winchester...

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I was going to write 'Dear Cas' but I'm not going to be that painful to myself. Speaking of, though, a friend of mine BethHarkness wrote a book called 'Dear Cas.' Best T&S Sequel I have ever read, go check it out and feel the pain I feel. It is awesome, though, you'll enjoy it. 

Anyway,  here is the latest chapter of this fic.

Enjoy, ya idgits. 


The Short One's pov

"Okay, Author, I am not that short." I mutter into the blank space that currently is this page.

Shut up, Gabriel Novak.

"Oh, Gabe, she used your full name? Run. Quickly." My brother, the devil, calls as he flies through dimensions between fics, Michael appearing and sighing as he goes to find his idgit of a boyfriend again. 

My brothers, (or brother and future brother), ladies and gentlemen or whatever you may be. 

So. the reason for this update is that apparently I need to write a letter. To the one and only, Sam Winchester. Author, seriously, just because I like the guy does not mean I need to act like a 6th grader with a crush!

Yes you do. And you'll drop your weapon. 

"And I'll drop my weapon." I mutter, though I can't be mad at her anymore. After all, I am as much a geek as you guys are in this universe, and she made a freaking Star Wars reference. How am I supposed to be mad after that!?

You're not.

"Can I write the damn letter already?" I sit down at my desk and pull out a rainbow pen and some plain paper.

'Dear my specific Winchester since my brother is probably writing a similar letter to Dean,




"Gaaaaabbbeeyyyy, you aren't writing..." Lucifer appears to talk to me like the 5 year old he is. 

"Shut up Luci. Writing is hard." 

Chuck walks past then. "He isn't wrong, Luci. Then again, neither are you." Then God disappears, probably to go create more feelsy universes for fangirls to rip out their hearts for. 

Michael appears and drags Luci to Jaz because they need to convince her to write a chapter (or twenty). 

Gabriel looks at what he's written so far, smiling softly to himself before finally coming up with what he wants to say. 

  'Dear my specific Winchester since my brother is probably writing a similar letter to Dean, 

Okay. I'm not good with words, but I'm going to try anyway. It's been a few days, not even, but I really enjoy spending time with you and am very much hoping that you would agree to another. Please don't feel pressured to, I mean you feel how you feel, but uh... god I don't know how to explain this. 

We have a running joke in my family that Dad is God, Mom is a fangirl, and my brothers and sisters and I are all Angels. Me being the Archangel Gabriel, ironically enough. Now if I were an angel, I would be flying 24/7. I've always wanted to have wings, to fly. And the point of this is, well, when I'm with you, I think that's what flying feels like. And it's the best feeling I've felt in a long time.

Sam, you are... seriously amazing. You are so smart and funny and so much more than anyone could guess from just glancing at you. I hope that someone as cool as you will agree to another date with me, so uh... here's my email, please email your reply (even if it's no. I'd rather know than not know).

Hope to hear from you soon!

Your Archangel, 


I put in an envelope, sealed it, and ran out to the mailbox to put it in there. Castiel was also out there. me probably having been right and was sending a letter to Dean. We headed back inside, to await the replies from our respective Winchesters. 

We're a' prayin', brother.


Hope ya idgits have an awesome day.

If you liked the update, punch the vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!!!

And, high fives all around. *wpshh* *wpshh*

I will see you dudes, in the next update!!!!!!


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